Posted mutourend



1. 引言




$ pytest
=================================================================== test session starts ====================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.12, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/lanyu/zyd/stark-anatomy/code
collected 21 items                                                                                                                                  F                                                                                                                                 [  4%] .                                                                                                                                        [  9%] F                                                                                                                                         [ 14%] .                                                                                                                                     [ 19%] ..                                                                                                                              [ 28%] ......                                                                                                                                   [ 57%] ..                                                                                                                              [ 66%] ..                                                                                                                                     [ 76%] F                                                                                                                                      [ 80%] ....                                                                                                                              [100%]

========================================================================= FAILURES =========================================================================
_____________________________________________________________________ test_fast_stark ______________________________________________________________________

    def test_fast_stark( ):
        field = Field.main()
        expansion_factor = 4
        num_colinearity_checks = 2
        security_level = 2
        rp = RescuePrime()
        output_element = field.sample(bytes(b'0xdeadbeef'))
        for trial in range(0, 20):
            input_element = output_element
            print("running trial with input:", input_element.value)
            output_element = rp.hash(input_element)
            num_cycles = rp.N+1
            state_width = rp.m
            stark = FastStark(field, expansion_factor, num_colinearity_checks, security_level, state_width, num_cycles)
            transition_zerofier, transition_zerofier_codeword, transition_zerofier_root = stark.preprocess()
            # prove honestly
            print("honest proof generation ...")
            # prove
            trace = rp.trace(input_element)
            air = rp.transition_constraints(stark.omicron)
            boundary = rp.boundary_constraints(output_element)
            proof = stark.prove(trace, air, boundary, transition_zerofier, transition_zerofier_codeword)
            # verify
            verdict = stark.verify(proof, air, boundary, transition_zerofier_root)
            assert(verdict == True), "valid stark proof fails to verify"
            print("success \\\\o/")
            print("verifying false claim ...")
            # verify false claim
            output_element_ = output_element +
            boundary_ = rp.boundary_constraints(output_element_)
            verdict = stark.verify(proof, air, boundary_, transition_zerofier_root)
            assert(verdict == False), "invalid stark proof verifies"
            print("proof rejected! \\\\o/")
            # prove with false witness
            print("attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...")
            cycle = 1 + (int(os.urandom(1)[0]) % len(trace)-1)
            register = int(os.urandom(1)[0]) % state_width
            error = field.sample(os.urandom(17))
            trace[cycle][register] = trace[cycle][register] + error
>           proof = stark.prove(trace, air, boundary, transition_zerofier, transition_zerofier_codeword) 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in prove
    quotient = (trace_polynomials[s] - interpolant) / zerofier
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <univariate.Polynomial object at 0x10401b400>, other = <univariate.Polynomial object at 0x10401bc10>

    def __truediv__( self, other ):
        quo, rem = Polynomial.divide(self, other)
>       assert(rem.is_zero()), "cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero"
E       AssertionError: cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call -------------------------------------------------------------------
running trial with input: 228894434762048332457318
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 58193264164488245767062567324329845625
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 240442014346771117356623971907334212202
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 95249760241169493715201876097323148293
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 45460984185732302940594266735879849714
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 165587666758636920344584355360822203181
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 4978416156855947152397342202659038273
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 31067639684737653452690049877783213369
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 53584232234693103790669953564737900223
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 135431606538579019225905956689564915329
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 112559249994899591330577919758944336055
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 150140559072116678002193196297066253509
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 17074186389844667756333966236643273102
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 82836370955455571146008478781338270694
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 16254124710661698025820423055202445077
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 43769528645735998152380658131815329300
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 211513813789453019359177662714979719288
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 149981298211404449757454909679214149901
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
 ... but verification should fail :D
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 196164108357361058832227489249577920500
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with witness violating transition constraints (should not fail because using fast division) ...
______________________________________________________________________ test_serialize ______________________________________________________________________

    def test_serialize( ):
        proof1 = ProofStream()
        proof1.push(1: '1')
        serialized = proof1.serialize()
>       proof2 = ProofStream.deserialize(serialized)
E       TypeError: deserialize() missing 1 required positional argument: 'bb' TypeError
________________________________________________________________________ test_stark ________________________________________________________________________

    def test_stark( ):
        field = Field.main()
        expansion_factor = 4
        num_colinearity_checks = 2
        security_level = 2
        rp = RescuePrime()
        output_element = field.sample(bytes(b'0xdeadbeef'))
        for trial in range(0, 20):
            input_element = output_element
            print("running trial with input:", input_element.value)
            output_element = rp.hash(input_element)
            num_cycles = rp.N+1
            state_width = rp.m
            stark = Stark(field, expansion_factor, num_colinearity_checks, security_level, state_width, num_cycles)
            # prove honestly
            print("honest proof generation ...")
            # prove
            trace = rp.trace(input_element)
            air = rp.transition_constraints(stark.omicron)
            boundary = rp.boundary_constraints(output_element)
            proof = stark.prove(trace, air, boundary)
            # verify
            verdict = stark.verify(proof, air, boundary)
            assert(verdict == True), "valid stark proof fails to verify"
            print("success \\\\o/")
            print("verifying false claim ...")
            # verify false claim
            output_element_ = output_element +
            boundary_ = rp.boundary_constraints(output_element_)
            verdict = stark.verify(proof, air, boundary_)
            assert(verdict == False), "invalid stark proof verifies"
            print("proof rejected! \\\\o/")
        # verify with false witness
        print("attempting to prove with false witness (should fail) ...")
        cycle = int(os.urandom(1)[0]) % len(trace)
        register = int(os.urandom(1)[0]) % state_width
        error = field.sample(os.urandom(17))
        trace[cycle][register] = trace[cycle][register] + error
>       proof = stark.prove(trace, air, boundary) # should fail 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in prove
    transition_quotients = [tp / self.transition_zerofier() for tp in transition_polynomials] in <listcomp>
    transition_quotients = [tp / self.transition_zerofier() for tp in transition_polynomials]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <univariate.Polynomial object at 0x104086130>, other = <univariate.Polynomial object at 0x10407d1c0>

    def __truediv__( self, other ):
        quo, rem = Polynomial.divide(self, other)
>       assert(rem.is_zero()), "cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero"
E       AssertionError: cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call -------------------------------------------------------------------
running trial with input: 228894434762048332457318
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 58193264164488245767062567324329845625
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 240442014346771117356623971907334212202
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 95249760241169493715201876097323148293
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 45460984185732302940594266735879849714
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 165587666758636920344584355360822203181
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 4978416156855947152397342202659038273
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 31067639684737653452690049877783213369
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 53584232234693103790669953564737900223
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 135431606538579019225905956689564915329
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 112559249994899591330577919758944336055
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 150140559072116678002193196297066253509
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 17074186389844667756333966236643273102
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 82836370955455571146008478781338270694
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 16254124710661698025820423055202445077
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 43769528645735998152380658131815329300
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 211513813789453019359177662714979719288
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 149981298211404449757454909679214149901
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 196164108357361058832227489249577920500
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
running trial with input: 141980557567619100445655384257862983893
honest proof generation ...
success \\o/
verifying false claim ...
proof rejected! \\o/
attempting to prove with false witness (should fail) ...
================================================================= short test summary info ==================================================================
FAILED - AssertionError: cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero
FAILED - TypeError: deserialize() missing 1 required positional argument: 'bb'
FAILED - AssertionError: cannot perform polynomial division because remainder is not zero
======================================================== 3 failed, 18 passed in 2663.71s (0:44:23) =========================================================

2. FRI代码解析

$ pytest -s
================================================ test session starts =================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.12, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/lanyu/zyd/stark-anatomy/code
collected 1 item                                                                                              testing valid codeword ...

success! \\o/
testing invalid codeword ...
last codeword does not correspond to polynomial of low enough degree
observed de


STARK Arithmetization

Rescue-Prime hash STARK 代码解析

Polygon zkEVM的pil-stark Fibonacci状态机代码解析


