
Posted 松子茶



* Copyright(c) 2012  Gavin Liu
* All rights reserved.
* File: showManyImage.cpp
* Brief: 
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Gavin Liu
* Email:
* Date: 2012/08/28
* History:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

void imshowMany(const std::string& _winName, const vector<Mat>& _imgs);

int main(void)

    vector<Mat> imgs(6);
    imgs[0] = imread("cm.png");
    imgs[1] = imread("wr.png");
    imgs[2] = imread("lina.png");
    imgs[3] = imread("dr.png");
    imgs[4] = imread("pom.png");
    imgs[5] = imread("qop.png");

    imshowMany("DOTA2_Hero", imgs);
    return 0;

void imshowMany(const std::string& _winName, const vector<Mat>& _imgs)

    int nImg = (int)_imgs.size();

    Mat dispImg;

    int size;
    int x, y;

    // w - Maximum number of images in a row 
    // h - Maximum number of images in a column 
    int w, h;
    // scale - How much we have to resize the image
    float scale;
    int max;

    if (nImg <= 0) 
        printf("Number of arguments too small....\\n");
    else if (nImg > 12)
        printf("Number of arguments too large....\\n");

    else if (nImg == 1)
        w = h = 1;
        size = 300;
    else if (nImg == 2)
        w = 2; h = 1;
        size = 300;
    else if (nImg == 3 || nImg == 4)
        w = 2; h = 2;
        size = 300;
    else if (nImg == 5 || nImg == 6)
        w = 3; h = 2;
        size = 200;
    else if (nImg == 7 || nImg == 8)
        w = 4; h = 2;
        size = 200;
        w = 4; h = 3;
        size = 150;

    dispImg.create(Size(100 + size*w, 60 + size*h), CV_8UC3);

    for (int i= 0, m=20, n=20; i<nImg; i++, m+=(20+size))
        x = _imgs[i].cols;
        y = _imgs[i].rows;

        max = (x > y)? x: y;
        scale = (float) ( (float) max / size );

        if (i%w==0 && m!=20)
            m = 20;
            n += 20+size;

        Mat imgROI = dispImg(Rect(m, n, (int)(x/scale), (int)(y/scale)));
        resize(_imgs[i], imgROI, Size((int)(x/scale), (int)(y/scale)));

    imshow(_winName, dispImg);
