不过推荐的是使用#include,而且必须声明在std命名空间:using namespace std;其中的函数和使用方法几乎完全相同。
VC里面是math.h,cmath是c++标准风格的头文件,位于std命名空间,用法和math.h差不多,都是包含一些常见的数学函数,比如平方、正余弦等等 参考技术A 按命名规则,cmath 应该是math.h的C++版,什么时候用math.h就什么时候用cmath替代。一般是要用到常用的数学函数时调用,比如abs(),sin()等。 参考技术B VC里面是math.h,cmath是c++标准风格的头文件,位于std命名空间,用法和math.h差不多,都是包含一些常见的数学函数,比如平方、正余弦等等
具体参考:http://www.ggv.com.cn/forum/clib/clib.html本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术C 回答
1. ceil()向上取整2. round()四舍五入取整,3. floor()向下取整且以上所有参数必须为double型4.取整与取余double modf (double,double*); 将参数的整数部分通过指针回传,返回小数部分double fmod (double,double); 返回两参数相除的余数绝对值1. int abs(int );求整型的绝对值2. double fabs (double);求实型的绝对值3. double cabs(complex);求复数的绝对值三角函数1、 三角函数double sin(double);正弦double cos(double);余弦double tan(double);正切2 、反三角函数double asin (double); 结果介于[-PI/2,PI/2]double acos (double); 结果介于[0,PI]double atan (double); 反正切(主值),结果介于[-PI/2,PI/2]double atan2 (double,double); 反正切(整圆值),结果介于[-PI,PI]3 、双曲三角函数double sinh (double);double cosh (double);double tanh (double);没有现成的cot三角函数,可以使用tan(PI/2-x)来实现指数与对数double frexp(double value,int exp);这是一个将value值拆分成小数部分f和(以2为底的)指数部分exp,并返回小数部分f,即f2^exp。其中f取值在0.5~1.0范围或者0。double ldexp(double x,int exp);这个函数刚好跟上面那个frexp函数功能相反,它的返回值是x*2^expdouble modf(double value,double *iptr);拆分value值,返回它的小数部分,iptr指向整数部分。double log (double); 以e为底的对数double log10 (double);以10为底的对数double pow(double x,double y);计算x的y次幂fl
小白学习C++ 教程十九C++ 中的<cmath> 数学函数和 <random>随机数
作为 C 语言的一个子集,C++ 从 C 的 math.h 头文件中派生出大部分这些数学函数。
在 C++ 中,数学函数包含在头文件<cmath>
下面列出了 C++ 中的重要数学函数及和示例
1 | cos | cout<< cos ( 60.0 * PI / 180.0 ); |
2 | sin | con ( 60.0 * PI / 180.0 ); |
3 | tan | out<< tan ( 45.0 * PI / 180.0 ) |
4 | acos | double param = 0.5; cout<< acos (param) * 180.0 / PI; |
5 | asin | cout<< asin (param) * 180.0 / PI; 31.4159 |
6 | atan | cout<< atan (param) * 180.0 / PI; |
7 | pow | cout<<”2^3 = “<< pow(2,3); |
8 | sqrt | cout<< sqrt(49); |
9 | ceil | cout<< ceil(3.8); |
10 | floor | cout<< floor(2.3); |
11 | fmod | cout<< fmod(5.3,2); 1.3 |
12 | trunc | cout<< trunc(2.3); 2 |
13 | round | cout<< round(4.6); 5 |
14 | remainder | cout<< remainder(18.5 ,4.2); 1.7 |
15 | fmax | cout<< fmax(100.0,1.0); 100 |
16 | fmin | cout<< fmin(100.0,1.0); 1 |
17 | fdim | cout<< fdim(2.0,1.0); 1 |
18 | fabs | cout<< fabs(3.1416); 3.1416 |
19 | abs | cout<< abs(3.1416); 3.1416 |
20 | exp | cout<< exp(5.0); 148.413 |
21 | log | cout<< log(5); 1.60944 |
22 | log10 | cout<< log10(5); |
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int PI = 3.142;
cout << "cos(60) = " << cos(60.0 * PI / 180.0) << endl;
cout << "sin(60) = " << sin(60.0 * PI / 180.0) << endl;
cout << "tan(45) = " << tan(45.0 * PI / 180.0) << endl;
cout << "acos(0.5) = " << acos(0.5) * 180.0 / PI << endl;
cout << "asin(0.5) = " << asin(0.5) * 180.0 / PI << endl;
cout << "atan(1.0) = " << atan(1.0) * 180.0 / PI << endl;
cout << "2^3 = " << pow(2, 3) << endl;
cout << "sqrt(49) = " << sqrt(49) << endl;
cout << "ceil(3.8) = " << ceil(3.8) << endl;
cout << "floor(2.3) = " << floor(2.3) << endl;
cout << "fmod(5.3,2) = " << fmod(5.3, 2) << endl;
cout << "trunc(5.3,2) = " << trunc(2.3) << endl;
cout << "round(4.6) = " << round(4.6) << endl;
cout << "remainder(18.5,4.2) = " << remainder(18.5, 4.2) << endl;
cout << "fmax(100.0,1.0) = " << fmax(100.0, 1.0) << endl;
cout << "fmin(100.0,1.0) = " << fmin(100.0, 1.0) << endl;
cout << "fdim(2.0,1.0) = " << fdim(2.0, 1.0) << endl;
cout << "fabs(3.1416) = " << fabs(3.1416) << endl;
cout << "abs(3.1416) = " << abs(3.1416) << endl;
cout << "log(5) = " << log(5) << endl;
cout << "exp(5.0) = " << exp(5.0) << endl;
cout << "log10(5) = " << log10(5) << endl;
return 0;
cos(60) = 0.540302
sin(60) = 0.841471
tan(45) = 0.931596
acos(0.5) = 62.8319
asin(0.5) = 31.4159
atan(1.0) = 47.1239
2^3 = 8
sqrt(49) = 7
ceil(3.8) = 4
floor(2.3) = 2
fmod(5.3,2) = 1.3
trunc(5.3,2) = 2
round(4.6) = 5
remainder(18.5,4.2) = 1.7
fmax(100.0,1.0) = 100
fmin(100.0,1.0) = 1
fdim(2.0,1.0) = 1
fabs(3.1416) = 3.1416
abs(3.1416) = 3.1416
log(5) = 1.60944
exp(5.0) = 148.413
log10(5) = 0.69897
- 随机数引擎类:生成随机数
- 随机数分布类:生成满足指定分布的随机数
- random_device:它是真正的随机数生成器。
- operator():它返回一个新的随机数。
- min:它返回成员 operator() 返回的最小值,对于 random_device 始终为零。
- max:它返回成员 operator() 返回的最大值。
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
int main()
random_device example;
cout << "default random_device:" << endl;
cout << "minimum: " << example.min() << endl;
cout << "maximum: " << example.max() << endl;
cout << "entropy: " << example.entropy() << endl;
cout << "a random number: " << example() << endl;
return 0;
minimum: 0
maximum: 4294967295
entropy: 32
a random number: 773368156
uniform_int_distribution:它产生随机整数值 i,它们均匀分布在闭区间 [a,b] 上,由以下概率质量函数描述:
- operator():生成根据概率函数分布的随机数。
- min:它返回operator()返回的值范围的最大下限,这是uniform_int_distribution的分布参数’a’。
- max:它返回operator()返回的值范围的最小上限,这是uniform_int_distribution的分布参数’b’。
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
// Driver program
int main()
// random generator engine
unsigned s = 2;
// The random number generator
default_random_engine generator(s);
uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(1, 10);
cout << "Some random numbers between 1 and 10";
for (int i = 0; i < 10;i++)
cout << distribution(generator) << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned s = 2;
// The random number generator
default_random_engine generator(s);
uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(1, 10);
cout << "Random numbers between 1 and 10";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
cout << distribution(generator) << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned seed = chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
default_random_engine generator(seed);
binomial_distribution<int> distribution(15, 0.4);
cout << "some binomial results (t=15, p=0.4): ";
for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
// Use of operator()
cout << distribution(generator) << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
C++ 库有一个名为 rand() 的函数,每次调用该函数都将返回一个非负整数。要使用 rand() 函数,以下是其用法示例:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cout << rand() << ' ';
return 0;