
Posted howard2005




I. The Result of the Sign-in

  • Take a look at the screenshot of the sign-in
  • We’re not alone in the world and living in a certain environment. The environment includes natural environment and social environment. Everyone is born in a famliy (parents, brothers, sisters…). In the group, we need to communicate with each other by languages and words, body language (eye contact, gesture…), photo, image, video and animation…
  • Now let me describe the result of the sign-in. There are thirty-nine students in our class. Thirty-eight students have signed in. Only one student is not here and didn’t ask for leave, so he is absent. (If you don’t like my class, you might be here physically but your heart might be outside the window. ⟹ \\Longrightarrow absent-mined)
  • Word Formation: adj. + pp of n. For example: green-eyed, near-sighted, far-sighted…
  • We should broaden our view and enhance our insight by reading, travelling and making friends.
  • IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气电子工程师协会
  • LAN: Local Area Network
  • MAN: Metropolitan Area Network
  • WAN: Wide Area Network

II. The Definition of a Computer

1. What Is a Computer?

  • A computer is an electronic device that operates on data at a high speed with large storage capacity and controls its operations by software (programs + data + documents).
  • All the modern computers are based on von Neumann Arrchitecture.
    C o m p u t e r S y s t e m H a r d w a r e C o n t r o l   U n i t A L U − A r i t h m e t i c   L o g i c a l   U n i t S t o r a g e   D e v i c e s I n p u t   D e v i c e s O u t p u t D e v i c e s S o f t w a r e Computer System \\begincases Hardware \\begincases Control\\ Unit\\\\ ALU - Arithmetic\\ Logical\\ Unit\\\\ Storage\\ Devices \\\\ Input\\ Devices \\\\ Output Devices \\\\ \\endcases \\\\ Software \\\\ \\endcases ComputerSystemHardwareControl UnitALUArithmetic Logical UnitStorage DevicesInput DevicesOutputDevicesSoftware
  • von Neumann and Turing are very great computer scientises - the fathers of modern computers.

2. von Neumann Architecture

  • The von Neumann architecture—the fundamental architecture upon which nearly all digital computers have been based—has a number of characteristics that have had an immense impact on the most popular programming languages. These characteristics include a single, centralized control, housed in the central processing unit, and a separate storage area, primary memory, which can contain both instructions and data. The instructions are executed by the CPU, and so they must be brought into the CPU from the primary memory. The CPU also houses the unit that performs operations on operands, the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), and so data must be fetched from primary memory and brought into the CPU in order to be acted upon. The primary memory has a built-in addressing mechanism, so that the CPU can refer to the addresses of instructions and operands. Finally, the CPU contains a register bank that constitutes a kind of “scratch pad” where intermediate results can be stored and consulted with greater speed than could primary memory.

3. A System of Linear Equations

3 x + 4 y − 5 z = 2 ( 1 ) 5 x − 7 y + 4 z = 9 ( 2 ) x − 6 y + 2 z = − 3 ( 3 ) \\begincases 3x+4y-5z=2&& (1)\\\\ 5x-7y+4z=9 && (2)\\\\ x-6y+2z=-3 && (3) \\endcases 3x+4y5z=25x7y+4z=9x6y+2z=3(1)(2)(3)

4. Various Units of Storage Capacity

  • Common Storage Units: bit、B、KB、MB、GB、TB、PB、EB、ZB、YB、BB、NB、DB、CB、XB……

  • A bit (Binary Digit) is used to store a binary number: 0 or 1,which is the smallest storage unit.

  • All the storage units can be converted as follows.

1 Byte (B) = 8 bit
1 Kilo Byte (KB) = 1024 B
1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 KB
1 Giga Byte (GB)= 1024 MB
1 Tera Byte (TB)= 1024 GB
1 Peta Byte (PB) = 1024 TB
1 Exa Byte (EB) = 1024 PB
1 Zetta Byte (ZB) = 1024 EB
1 Yotta Byte (YB) = 1024 ZB
1 Bronto Byte (BB) = 1024 YB
1 Nona Byte (NB) =1024 BB
1 Dogga Byte (DB) =1024 NB
1 Corydon Byte (CB) = 1024 DB
1 Xero Byte (XB) = 1024 CB
  • Write a Python program to show all the above-mentioned storage units
  • It’s said that the information of the whole world is about 45ZB.

III. MATLAB - Matrix Laboratory

1. Install MATLAB 7.0.1

  • Find the setup.exe for matlab 7.0.1.
  • Double-click on the icon of the setup program and start the installation.
  • When setup is complete, you will see the following window.

2. Start MATLAB 7.0.1

  • Execute path command in the Command Window and you will see the matlab’s configured paths.






计算机英语讲课笔记11(Play with Flask)
