ubuntu 交叉编译 armv7_32 ffmpeg x264(已完成)

Posted Dontla


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了ubuntu 交叉编译 armv7_32 ffmpeg x264(已完成)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


arm linux交叉编译x264 ffmpeg






下载 x264:git clone VideoLAN / x264

拷贝到ubuntu虚拟机中,在里面运行configure --help查看make配置指令,发现出现/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory,用linux arm 运行 shell .sh 脚本文件报错:/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory(dos2unix )方法解决一下就好了


[root@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264]1# ./configure  --help
Usage: ./configure [options]

  -h, --help               print this message

Standard options:
  --prefix=PREFIX          install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
  --exec-prefix=EPREFIX    install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
  --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
  --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
  --includedir=DIR         install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
  --extra-asflags=EASFLAGS add EASFLAGS to ASFLAGS
  --extra-cflags=ECFLAGS   add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS
  --extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS
  --extra-rcflags=ERCFLAGS add ERCFLAGS to RCFLAGS

Configuration options:
  --disable-cli            disable cli	//取消命令行(command line)
  --system-libx264         use system libx264 instead of internal
  --enable-shared          build shared library
  --enable-static          build static library
  --disable-bashcompletion disable installation of bash-completion script
  --enable-bashcompletion  force installation of bash-completion script
  --bashcompletionsdir=DIR install bash-completion script in DIR [auto]
  --disable-opencl         disable OpenCL features
  --disable-gpl            disable GPL-only features
  --disable-thread         disable multithreaded encoding
  --disable-win32thread    disable win32threads (windows only)
  --disable-interlaced     disable interlaced encoding support
  --bit-depth=BIT_DEPTH    set output bit depth (8, 10, all) [all]
  --chroma-format=FORMAT   output chroma format (400, 420, 422, 444, all) [all]

Advanced options:
  --disable-asm            disable platform-specific assembly optimizations
  --enable-lto             enable link-time optimization
  --enable-debug           add -g
  --enable-gprof           add -pg
  --enable-strip           add -s
  --enable-pic             build position-independent code

  --host=HOST              build programs to run on HOST
  --cross-prefix=PREFIX    use PREFIX for compilation tools
  --sysroot=SYSROOT        root of cross-build tree

External library support:
  --disable-avs            disable avisynth support
  --disable-swscale        disable swscale support
  --disable-lavf           disable libavformat support
  --disable-ffms           disable ffmpegsource support
  --disable-gpac           disable gpac support
  --disable-lsmash         disable lsmash support

[root@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264]2# 


touch arnold_run.sh



./configure --prefix=/arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264/arnold_build --enable-shared --enable-static --host=arm-linux --cross-prefix=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --disable-opencl --enable-pic --disable-asm


参考解决方法:KYSL laoyuan 发来交叉编译后的ftp仓库 源码分析 在arm摄像头下用法分析(数据服务器ip、登录用户及密码)ftp(netkit-ftp)客户端交叉编译(arm移植ftp)

根据上面方法还是没解决,还是报No working C compiler found.






参考文章:windows 编译 x264 报错 No working C compiler found 处理方法






./configure --prefix=/arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264/arnold_build --enable-shared --enable-static --cross-prefix=arm-linux-gnueabihf- --host=arm-linux --disable-opencl --enable-pic --disable-asm


invalid -march= option: `armv7-a'


能解决了,换上laoyuan给的交叉编译器,参考:KYSL 我们瑞芯微的交叉编译工具链位置




./configure --prefix=/arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264/arnold_build --enable-shared --enable-static --cross-prefix=/home/yg/rv/sdk/rv1.8/rv1126_rv1109/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- --host=arm-linux --disable-opencl --enable-pic --disable-asm


[root@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264]10# ./arnold_run.sh 
platform:       ARM
byte order:     little-endian
system:         LINUX
cli:            yes
libx264:        internal
shared:         yes
static:         yes
bashcompletion: no
asm:            no
interlaced:     yes
avs:            avxsynth
lavf:           no
ffms:           no
mp4:            no
gpl:            yes
thread:         posix
opencl:         no
filters:        crop select_every
lto:            no
debug:          no
gprof:          no
strip:          no
PIC:            yes
bit depth:      all
chroma format:  all

You can run 'make' or 'make fprofiled' now.
[root@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/x264]11# 

然后执行这个version.sh,不然make会提示x264.c:506:21: error: ‘X264_VERSION’ undeclared

然后执行makemake install,一切顺利

执行完make install后,设置的arnold_build中也出现了binincludelib三个文件夹,眼前瞬间一亮,有种感觉全身经脉被打通的快感!



下这个版本: 7:4.4-6ubuntu5,这个看起来顺眼一点



老样子,进去先执行./configure --help查看编译配置帮助

[yg@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-4.4]7$ ./configure --help


还是要看下的,不看找不着北了。。。。执行./configure --help

[yg@ubuntu /arnold_test/20220105_crossCompile_x264_ffmpeg/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-4.4]12$ ./configure --help
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-256color"
tput: unknown terminal "xterm-256color"
Usage: configure [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]	//描述后括号中的默认值

Help options:
  --help                   print this message
  --quiet                  Suppress showing informative output	//抑制显示信息输出
  --list-decoders          show all available decoders
  --list-encoders          show all available encoders
  --list-hwaccels          show all available hardware accelerators
  --list-demuxers          show all available demuxers
  --list-muxers            show all available muxers	//显示所有可用的多路复用器(封装器)
  --list-parsers           show all available parsers	//解析器
  --list-protocols         show all available protocols	//协议
  --list-bsfs              show all available bitstream filters	//显示所有可用的位流筛选器
  --list-indevs            show all available input devices
  --list-outdevs           show all available output devices
  --list-filters           show all available filters

Standard options:	//不是可选的,应该是默认都有的
  --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [ffbuild/config.log]	//记录测试并输出到文件(默认)[ffbuild/config.log]
  --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information	//不要记录配置调试信息
  --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated	//如果生成任何配置警告,则失败
  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [/usr/local]	//以前缀安装(默认)[/usr/local]
  --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]	//在目录[PREFIX/bin]中安装二进制文件(可执行文件)
  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]	//在目录[PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]中安装数据文件
  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
  --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [LIBDIR]	//动态库(sh = share)
  --incdir=DIR             install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]	//头文件(inc = include)
  --mandir=DIR             install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
  --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
  --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
                           not part of the dynamic linker search path
                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)	//不懂
  --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets	//不懂

Licensing options:
  --enable-gpl             allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be under GPL [no]
  --enable-version3        upgrade (L)GPL to version 3 [no]
  --enable-nonfree         allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be unredistributable [no]	//如果允许使用非自由代码,则生成的库和二进制文件将不可分发[no]

Configuration options:
  --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
  --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
  --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed	//优化尺寸而不是速度
  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)	//禁用运行时检测CPU功能(较小的二进制文件)
  --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)	//启用全灰度支持(较慢的颜色)
  --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale	//禁用swscale中的alpha通道支持
  --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
  --disable-autodetect     disable automatically detected external libraries [no]

Program options:
  --disable-programs       do not build command line programs
  --disable-ffmpeg         disable ffmpeg build
  --disable-ffplay         disable ffplay build
  --disable-ffprobe        disable ffprobe build

Documentation options:
  --disable-doc            do not build documentation
  --disable-htmlpages      do not build HTML documentation pages
  --disable-manpages       do not build man documentation pages
  --disable-podpages       do not build POD documentation pages
  --disable-txtpages       do not build text documentation pages

Component options:
  --disable-avdevice       disable libavdevice build
  --disable-avcodec        disable libavcodec build
  --disable-avformat       disable libavformat build
  --disable-swresample     disable libswresample build
  --disable-swscale        disable libswscale build
  --disable-postproc       disable libpostproc build
  --disable-avfilter       disable libavfilter build
  --enable-avresample      enable libavresample build (deprecated) [no]
  --disable-pthreads       disable pthreads [autodetect]
  --disable-w32threads     disable Win32 threads [autodetect]
  --disable-os2threads     disable OS/2 threads [autodetect]
  --disable-network        disable network support [no]
  --disable-dct            disable DCT code
  --disable-dwt            disable DWT code
  --disable-error-resilience disable error resilience code
  --disable-lsp            disable LSP code
  --disable-lzo            disable LZO decoder code
  --disable-mdct           disable MDCT code
  --disable-rdft           disable RDFT code
  --disable-fft            disable FFT code
  --disable-faan           disable floating point AAN (I)DCT code
  --disable-pixelutils     disable pixel utils in libavutil

Individual component options:
  --disable-everything     disable all components listed below
  --disable-encoder=NAME   disable encoder NAME
  --enable-encoder=NAME    enable encoder NAME
  --disable-encoders       disable all encoders
  --disable-decoder=NAME   disable decoder NAME
  --enable-decoder=NAME    enable decoder NAME
  --disable-decoders       disable all decoders
  --disable-hwaccel=NAME   disable hwaccel NAME
  --enable-hwaccel=NAME    enable hwaccel NAME
  --disable-hwaccels       disable all hwaccels
  --disable-muxer=NAME     disable muxer NAME
  --enable-muxer=NAME      enable muxer NAME
  --disable-muxers         disable all muxers
  --disable-demuxer=NAME   disable demuxer NAME
  --enable-demuxer=NAME    enable demuxer NAME
  --disable-demuxers       disable all demuxers
  --enable-parser=NAME     enable parser NAME
  --disable-parser=NAME    disable parser NAME
  --disable-parsers        disable all parsers
  --enable-bsf=NAME        enable bitstream filter NAME
  --disable-bsf=NAME       disable bitstream filter NAME
  --disable-bsfs           disable all bitstream filters
  --enable-protocol=NAME   enable protocol NAME
  --disable-protocol=NAME  disable protocol NAME
  --disable-protocols      disable all protocols
  --enable-indev=NAME      enable input device NAME
  --disable-indev=NAME     disable input device NAME
  --disable-indevs         disable input devices
  --enable-outdev=NAME     enable output device NAME
  --disable-outdev=NAME    disable output device NAME
  --disable-outdevs        disable output devices
  --disable-devices        disable all devices
  --enable-filter=NAME     enable filter NAME
  --disable-filter=NAME    disable filter NAME
  --disable-filters        disable all filters

External library support:

  Using any of the following switches will allow FFmpeg to link to the
  corresponding external library. All the components depending on that library
  will become enabled, if all their other dependencies are met and they are not
  explicitly disabled. E.g. --enable-libopus will enable linking to
  libopus and allow the libopus encoder to be built, unless it is
  specifically disabled with --disable-encoder=libopus.
  //使用以下任何开关将允许FFmpeg链接到相应的外部库。如果满足所有其他依赖项且未明确禁用,则依赖于该库的所有组件都将启用。例如--enable libopus将启用到libopus的链接并允许构建libopus编码器,除非使用--disable encoder=libopus专门禁用它。

  Note that only the system libraries are auto-detected. All the other external
  libraries must be explicitly enabled.

  Also note that the following help text describes the purpose of the libraries
  themselves, not all their features will necessarily be usable by FFmpeg.

  --disable-alsa           disable ALSA support [autodetect]
  --disable-appkit         disable Apple AppKit framework [autodetect]
  --disable-avfoundation   disable Apple AVFoundation framework [autodetect]
  --enable-avisynth        enable reading of AviSynth script files [no]
  --disable-bzlib          disable bzlib [autodetect]
  --disable-coreimage      disable Apple CoreImage framework [autodetect]
  --enable-chromaprint     enable audio fingerprinting with chromaprint [no]
  --enable-frei0r          enable frei0r video filtering [no]
  --enable-gcrypt          enable gcrypt, needed for rtmp(t)e support
                           if openssl, librtmp or gmp is not used [no]
  --enable-gmp             enable gmp, needed for rtmp(t)e support
                           if openssl or librtmp is not used [no]
  --enable-gnutls          enable gnutls, needed for https support
                           if openssl, libtls or mbedtls is not used [no]
  --disable-iconv          disable iconv [autodetect]
  --enable-jni             enable JNI support [no]
  --enable-ladspa          enable LADSPA audio filtering [no]
  --enable-libaom          enable AV1 video encoding/decoding via libaom [no]
  --enable-libaribb24      enable ARIB text and caption decoding via libaribb24 [no]
  --enable-libass          enable libass subtitles rendering,
                           needed for subtitles and ass filter [no]
  --enable-libbluray       enable BluRay reading using libbluray [no]
  --enable-libbs2b         enable bs2b DSP library [no]
  --enable-libcaca         enable textual display using libcaca [no]
  --enable-libcelt         enable CELT decoding via libcelt [no]
  --enable-libcdio         enable audio CD grabbing with libcdio [no]
  --enable-libcodec2       enable codec2 en/decoding using libcodec2 [no]
  --enable-libdav1d        enable AV1 decoding via libdav1d [no]
  --enable-libdavs2        enable AVS2 decoding via libdavs2 [no]
  --enable-libdc1394       enable IIDC-1394 grabbing using libdc1394
                           and libraw1394 [no]
  --enable-libfdk-aac      enable AAC de/encoding via libfdk-aac [no]
  --enable-libflite        enable flite (voice synthesis) support via libflite [no]
  --enable-libfontconfig   enable libfontconfig, useful for drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libfreetype     enable libfreetype, needed for drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libfribidi      enable libfribidi, improves drawtext filter [no]
  --enable-libglslang      enable GLSL->SPIRV compilation via libglslang [no]
  --enable-libgme          enable Game Music Emu via libgme [no]
  --enable-libgsm          enable GSM de/encoding via libgsm [no]
  --enable-libiec61883     enable iec61883 via libiec61883 [no]
  --enable-libilbc         enable iLBC de/encoding via libilbc [no]
  --enable-libjack         enable JACK audio sound server [no]
  --enable-libklvanc       enable Kernel Labs VANC processing [no]
  --以上是关于ubuntu 交叉编译 armv7_32 ffmpeg x264(已完成)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


适用于 iOS 的 leptonica 1.69 交叉编译(armv7、armv7s 和 arm64)

conan入门(十七):支持android NDK (armv7,armv8,x86,x86_64)交叉编译的统一profile jinja2模板


用于交叉编译 BBB 应用程序的工具链

交叉编译适用于 iOS 的 Jansson C 库