翻译软件设计的哲学-1 介绍(一切都是关于复杂性)

Posted ken1992code


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了翻译软件设计的哲学-1 介绍(一切都是关于复杂性)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Writing computer software is one of the purest creative activities in the history of the human race. Programmers aren’t bound by practical limitations such as the laws of physics; we can create exciting virtual worlds with behaviors that could never exist in the real world. Programming doesn’t require great physical skill or coordination, like ballet or basketball. All programming requires is a creative mind and the ability to organize your thoughts. If you can visualize a system, you can probably implement it in a computer program.


This means that the greatest limitation in writing software is our ability to understand the systems we are creating. As a program evolves and acquires more features, it becomes complicated, with subtle dependencies between its components. Over time, complexity accumulates, and it becomes harder and harder for programmers to keep all of the relevant factors in their minds as they modify the system. This slows down development and leads to bugs, which slow development even more and add to its cost. Complexity increases inevitably over the life of any program. The larger the program, and the more people that work on it, the more difficult it is to manage complexity.

这意味着,编写程序最大的限制,就是理解当前创造中的系统的能力。当程序进化并获得更多的特性,它就变得复杂,与它的组件之间保持着微妙的相互依赖。随着时间推移,复杂性积累,在需要调整系统的时候,要让程序员记住这些相关因素就会越来越难。这样就让开发变得缓慢,并产生更多的 BUG,这些 BUG 又回减慢开发,恶性循环让开发成本增加。任何程序的开发周期中,复杂性都是逐渐增加的。越大的程序,需要越多人开发,控制复杂性也就越难。

Good development tools can help us deal with complexity, and many great tools have been created over the last several decades. But there is a limit to what we can do with tools alone. If we want to make it easier to write software, so that we can build more powerful systems more cheaply, we must find ways to make software simpler. Complexity will still increase over time, in spite of our best efforts, but simpler designs allow us to build larger and more powerful systems before complexity becomes overwhelming.


There are two general approaches to fighting complexity, both of which will be discussed in this book. The first approach is to eliminate complexity by making code simpler and more obvious. For example, complexity can be reduced by eliminating special cases or using identifiers in a consistent fashion.


The second approach to complexity is to encapsulate it, so that programmers can work on a system without being exposed to all of its complexity at once. This approach is called modular design. In modular design, a software system is divided up into modules, such as classes in an object-oriented language. The modules are designed to be relatively independent of each other, so that a programmer can work on one module without having to understand the details of other modules.


Because software is so malleable, software design is a continuous process that spans the entire lifecycle of a software system; this makes software design different from the design of physical systems such as buildings, ships, or bridges. However, software design has not always been viewed this way. For much of the history of programming, design was concentrated at the beginning of a project, as it is in other engineering disciplines. The extreme of this approach is called the waterfall model, in which a project is divided into discrete phases such as requirements definition, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. In the waterfall model, each phase completes before the next phase starts; in many cases different people are responsible for each phase. The entire system is designed at once, during the design phase. The design is frozen at the end of this phase, and the role of the subsequent phases is to flesh out and implement that design.


Unfortunately, the waterfall model rarely works well for software. Software systems are intrinsically more complex than physical systems; it isn’t possible to visualize the design for a large software system well enough to understand all of its implications before building anything. As a result, the initial design will have many problems. The problems do not become apparent until implementation is well underway. However, the waterfall model is not structured to accommodate major design changes at this point (for example, the designers may have moved on to other projects). Thus, developers try to patch around the problems without changing the overall design. This results in an explosion of complexity.


Because of these issues, most software development projects today use an incremental approach such as agile development, in which the initial design focuses on a small subset of the overall functionality. This subset is designed, implemented, and then evaluated. Problems with the original design are discovered and corrected, then a few more features are designed, implemented and evaluated. Each iteration exposes problems with the existing design, which are fixed before the next set of features is designed. By spreading out the design in this way, problems with the initial design can be fixed while the system is still small; later features benefit from experience gained during the implementation of earlier features, so they have fewer problems.


The incremental approach works for software because software is malleable enough to allow significant design changes partway through implementation. In contrast, major design changes are much more challenging for physical systems: for example, it would not be practical to change the number of towers supporting a bridge in the middle of construction.


Incremental development means that software design is never done. Design happens continuously over the life of a system: developers should always be thinking about design issues. Incremental development also means continuous redesign. The initial design for a system or component is almost never the best one; experience inevitably shows better ways to do things. As a software developer, you should always be on the lookout for opportunities to improve the design of the system you are working on, and you should plan on spending some fraction of your time on design improvements.


If software developers should always be thinking about design issues, and reducing complexity is the most important element of software design, then software developers should always be thinking about complexity. This book is about how to use complexity to guide the design of software throughout its lifetime.


This book has two overall goals. The first is to describe the nature of software complexity: what does “complexity” mean, why does it matter, and how can you recognize when a program has unnecessary complexity? The book’s second, and more challenging, goal is to present techniques you can use during the software development process to minimize complexity. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple recipe that will guarantee great software designs. Instead, I will present a collection of higher-level concepts that border on the philosophical, such as “classes should be deep” or “define errors out of existence.” These concepts may not immediately identify the best design, but you can use them to compare design alternatives and guide your exploration of the design space.


以上是关于翻译软件设计的哲学-1 介绍(一切都是关于复杂性)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

软件设计的哲学:第四章 深度封装模块


翻译软件设计的哲学-2 复杂性的本质


软件设计的哲学: 第十章 定义不存在错误

1.2 linux哲学思想