The Coming of Edge Computing

Posted xingjiarong


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Cloud computing has been proposed for several years, so we all familiar with it. There are countless studies and research about cloud computing and related products are already quite mature. For example, you can buy your won severs on Ali Cloud by the “pay-as-you-go” mode or easily built and deploy your websites on AWS or Baidu Cloud. However, with the development of IoT, billions of devices are connected to the Internet. In this situation, traditional cloud computing is not appropriate any more. Therefore, edge computing is proposed. In this article, I will simply talk about the background of edge computing and its characteristics which distinguish it from other computing paradigm.



1、The increase of devices connected to the Internet

In the era of IoT, numerous intelligent devices are connected to the Internet, so the quantity of devices will increase exponentially which far exceeding the growth speed of network bandwidth. If data is sent to the center of networks where cloud computing severs locate, the network latency will be intolerable.



Sometimes, one device also could produce a large quantity of information and data. Cisco provides the example of a jet engine, which they say can create 10 terabytes (TB) of data about its performance and condition in a half-hour[1].


2、Highly responsive requirements
Many applications require real-time interaction. The network latency of center-organized cloud computing will severely affect their functions. For example, in AR applications, say pokemon go, scenes must be updated real-time with the movement of cell phones. In intelligent traffic system, the scheduling of traffic light must be correct and fast.

II、The Proposal of Edge Computing

Edge computing is first proposed by Cisco in 2014[2]. It is a new computing paradigm which locates at the edge of networks, forming sharply contrast with cloud computing that locates at the center of networks. The basic idea between it is that assembling a lot of intelligent terminal devices that have computing, storage and network functions like mobile phones, sensors, routers and switchers as computing and storage nodes. In this mode, data can be directly collected and computed at the edge of networks instead of being sent to clouds. Therefore, the real-time interaction performance will be largely improved.




III、Characteristics of Edge Computing


  • Geographical distribution 边缘计算有广阔的地理分布,因为其依托于网络边缘的设备。如果设备具有广阔的地理分布,那么边缘计算也将覆盖广阔的范围。例如:一个城市的管道检测网络。每个检测器都沿着管道分布,所以检测器遍布整个城市,因此边缘计算也覆盖整个城市。
  • Very large number of nodes 边缘计算的思想是将大量的计算和存储能力很弱的设备组合起来,从而形成强大的计算和存储资源,所以与云计算相比,边缘计算的节点数量更多,单个节点的计算能力更弱。
  • Support for mobility 边缘计算对移动性的支持是基于其广泛分布的地理位置和计算设备的移动性。首先,边缘计算可以为移动的终端提供服务,例如:行驶的汽车。高速公路两旁的检测器可以持续不断的为行驶的汽车提供服务。其次,手机作为边缘计算节点的组成元素之一,可以移动的提供计算和存储服务。
  • Real-time interactions 由于位于网络边缘,数据经过一跳或两跳就能到达边缘计算的计算节点,所以网络延迟小,实时性高。
  • Heterogeneity 组成边缘计算的设备是异构的,因为这些设备可能来自各种生产厂商,产品规格也各不相同。

IV、Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

Edge computing and cloud computing have many feature in common, but they also have some different traits. The following table show the detailed difference between them. Although, edge computing could solve the problem of cloud computing, as we have discussed above, it is not proposed to substitute cloud computing. The combine of edge computing with cloud computing could provide better services.

ItemEdge computingCloud computing
Location in networksEdgeCenter
Mobility supportYESNO
Network latencyLowHigh
Geographical distribution supportYESNO
Location awareness supportYESNO

雾计算与云计算非常相似,两者都是为用户提供计算,存储和网络服务的虚拟化平台,但两者之间也存在着显著的差异性,如表格所示。与云计算的集中式组织方式不同,雾计算采用分布式的组织方式,由分布在不同区域的传感器,路由器,交换机等提供服务,这也决定了雾计算在网络结构中位置——网络的边缘。由于雾计算更加接近终端用户,用户的服务请求经过一跳就可以到达雾计算服务器,所以低延迟的特点使雾计算能为实时性应用提供较好的服务。广泛的地理分布使得雾计算可以提供移动性和位置感知服务的支持,例如:沿高速公路分布的传感器可以为移动的汽车提供服务。另一方面,雾计算并不是云计算的替代者,两者之间相互互补,将两者之间有机的结合起来能够为用户提供很好的服务 [3]。例如:在智能交通中,边缘计算可以用于交通信号灯的控制,同时数据还可以上传到云端进行大数据分析。

[1] Pande V, Marlecha C, Kayte S. A Review-Fog Computing and Its Role in the Internet of Things[J]. 2016, 6(10):2248-96227.
[2] Bonomi F, Milito R, Zhu J, et al. Fog computing and its role in the internet of things[C]// Edition of the Mcc Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing. ACM, 2012:13-16.
[3] Dubey H, Yang J, Constant N, et al. Fog Data: Enhancing Telehealth Big Data Through Fog Computing[J]. 2016.

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