Posted 极致极简
- AppleScript 截取当前窗口脚本
tell application "System Events"
key down command
keystroke "$"
key up command
keystroke space
keystroke (ASCII character 53)
end tell
- 最小化窗口(不兼容Chrome浏览器)
tell application "Safari" to set miniaturized of every window to true
- 点击最小化
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
click button 1 of window 1
end tell
end tell
- 最下化
tell application "Google Chrome"
reopen -- unminimizes the first minimized window or makes a new default window
activate -- makes the app frontmost
end tell
- .
Express实战 - 应用案例- realworld-API - 路由设计 - mongoose - 数据验证 - 密码加密 - 登录接口 - 身份认证 - token - 增删改查API(代码片段