解讲 5CCGD003W: 3D Graphics Programming

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了解讲 5CCGD003W: 3D Graphics Programming相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

5CCGD003W: 3D Graphics Programming
Coursework 1 – 2D Game (2020/21)
Module leader Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
Unit Coursework 1 – REFERRED/DEFERRED
Weighting: 40%
Qualifying mark 30%
Description 2D Game or GUI application
Learning Outcomes
Covered in this
This assignment contributes towards the following Learning
Outcomes (LOs):
▪ LO1 Use appropriate data structures for storing vertices,
faces and edges that define the shape of objects and
manipulate such objects by applying different
▪ LO2 Be able to design and implement 2D real-time
scenes that respond to user interaction;
▪ LO5 Be able to critically assess the current problems and
appreciate some of solutions available through practical
exercises and demonstrate knowledge and appreciation
of some research related issues in computer graphics;
▪ LO6 Communicate and present ideas by oral, visual and
written means
Handed Out: 09/06/2021
Due Date 06/07/2021 at 13:00
Expected deliverables cpp file(s)
Method of
Electronic submission on BB
Type of Feedback and
Due Date:
Formative feedback will be provided during tutorial sessions.
Verbal feedback on the submitted CW will be provided during
the CW presentation/viva. Students are encouraged to record
this feedback at this time.
Note: All marks will remain provisional until formally agreed by
an Assessment Board.
3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
2 @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
Assessment regulations
Refer to Student Handbook guide for undergraduate students for a clarification of
how you are assessed, penalties and late submissions, what constitutes plagiarism
Penalty for Late Submission
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the
specified deadline, 10 marks will be deducted from the final mark, as a penalty for
late submission, except for work which obtains a mark in the range 40 – 49%, in
which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%). If you submit your
coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified
deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question unless a claim of
Mitigating Circumstances has been submitted and accepted as valid.
It is recognised that on occasion, illness or a personal crisis can mean that you fail to
submit a piece of work on time. In such cases you must inform the Campus Office in
writing on a mitigating circumstances form, giving the reason for your late or nonsubmission.
You must provide relevant documentary evidence with the form. This
information will be reported to the relevant Assessment Board that will decide
whether the mark of zero shall stand. For more detailed information regarding
University Assessment Regulations, please refer to the following
BCS Criteria meeting in
this assignment:
2.1.1 Knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts, principles
& theories
2.1.5 Deploy theory in design, implementation and evaluation of
2.1.8 Knowledge of management techniques to achieve
2.2.1 Specify, design or construct computer-based systems
2.2.4 Deploy tools effectively
2.3.2 Development of general transferable skills
4.1.2 Knowledge and understanding of mathematical and
statistical principles
4.1.3 Knowledge and understanding of computational modelling
4.2.1 Specify, deploy, verify and maintain computer-based
3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
3 @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
Coursework One
1) In order to pass the referred coursework significant improvements over any
previously submitted version must be demonstrated.
2) You MUST attend a viva – this is part of the assessment. No viva – MAXIMUM
mark of 30%
3) For referred cws only, in the viva you need to explain the improvements you
have made to previous submitted versions.
This coursework is worth 40% of the total module mark.
Please read carefully and read all sections. Raise any issues about this coursework
early with your lecturer/tutor. Also see additional support code on the Blackboard
site for the module under Assessment.
Learning Outcomes:

  1. Creation of 2D graphics and the orthographic projection
  2. Creating objects from primitives
  3. Transformations
  4. Correct use of GLUT and OpenGL libraries
  5. Writing understandable code
  6. User interaction
  7. Simple Collision Detection
    You are to build either a simple 2D game in OpenGL by using the Freeglut library,
    already provided to you in the first tutorial or a simple 2D drawing canvas with a title.
    You should choose ONLY ONE scenario to implement. It is entirely up to you which
    of the two you choose. Both of them carry equal marks.
    Note::: You also need to upload a video link where you will explain the CW and the
    code. The video link should cover the marking scheme criteria and you should
    explain all different parts of the code, for example, collisions, mouse or keyobard
    interaction, etc. Please keep the video short and not more than 5min.
    Game Scenario
    The game is loosely based on the classic 80s games.
    A mock-up of the 2D Car game screen is shown in figures 1 and 2.
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  8. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Figure 1: A simple car with obstacles placed on the screen and a score panel
    Figure 2: A detailed diagram of the different features
    The game scenario consists of a racing car that needs to navigate through a simple
    track as shown above. The car must avoid the hazards (5 randomly placed square
    blocks) and exit at the green gate.
    The car waits at the red gate until the user presses an arrow key to move the car.
    The car shall turn/rotate to the appropriate orientation depending on which key will
    be pressed next. The user moves the car around the hazards and out of the green
    gate. Once the car has reached the green gate the game ends. If the car collides with
    a square then 10 points are deducted from the score. The score starts from 50. A
    successful game will lead to the award of 50 points (if no hazards are hit). Once the
    car has exited the green gate the hazard blocks should re-spawn in different
    positions (but not in contact with each other or on top of the car at the start gate).
    The score shall accumulate until the application is closed.
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  9. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Technical Details
    The screen consists of several objects:
    a) The car (controlled by left/right/up/down arrow keys or any other game
    related keys such as A/D from the WASD keys)
    b) The obstacles
    c) The play area (white grid) and the 2 gates
    d) The score panel
    e) The pop-up menu
    f) Some information about user interaction from the console
    Notes: All the shapes in the figure are built from simple primitives and you are free
    to copy this design without penalty.
    User Requirements
    R1: If the \'left key\' is pressed the car moves left
    R2: If the \'right key\' is pressed the car moves right
    R3: If the \'up key\' is pressed the car moves up
    R4: If the \'down key\' is pressed the car moves down
    R5: If the \'R key\' is pressed the car turn/rotates to the appropriate orientation
    R6: Right click to bring up a pop-up menu with options
    Software Requirements
    R7: By default, the application should load and show the car, the obstacles, the score
    panel, the play area, and the two gates
    R8: Objects shall be redrawn randomly for every new set of obstacles
    R9: Every time an obstacle is hit the score reduces by 10 points.
    2D drawing canvas scenario
    You are to build a simple 2D drawing canvas with a title. The tool should have two
    menus one on the left and one on the top from where you can choose primitives or
    shapes to draw on the canvas. The shapes are in the form of non-filled and filled
    polygons (see menus on left and right). See figure 3 below.
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  10. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Figure 3: A simple drawing
    The figure shows the menus, a highlighted primitive, in this case a line, (e.g., left
    menu) a simple drawing in the middle of the canvas and text at the bottom of the
    screen. You should be able to draw lines by clicking on a starting and an ending point
    in the canvas. Appendix A shows some starting code. Figure 1 shows two versions;
    one with grid and one without a grid. You should be able to turn the grid on and off
    with the help of a pop-up menu as can be seen on the right version.
    Animation in the Pop-up menu
    The pop-up menu has 3 options. To turn the grid on and off and to start an
    Animation. The Animation is a polygon shaped filled field (Figure 4) that drifts from
    bottom to top with new shapes appearing from the bottom as the old shapes
    disappear. Not all shapes have the same speed. Appendix B shows some starting
    code. Some shapes move faster than others. The shapes should be drawn by using
    polygons with fill polygon mode. Note:: You should use blended colours to give the
    impression of texture on the polygonal shapes.
    Figure 4: An animated filled-polygon field that drifts from bottom to top.
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  11. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    You should clear all the drawings from the canvas by pressing the space bar and exit
    the application by pressing the escape key. You should also clear specific primitives
    by pressing the relevant key. Finally, you should be able to use the special keys, up,
    down, left and right to move the shapes. Basic collision between shapes and the
    bars should be applied. There is no collision between the shapes. Shapes can overlap
    each other.
    Technical Details
    An Orthographic projection should be used and the canvas consists of several
    a) A title
    b) Two menu bars with primitives
    c) Inactive areas within the bars
    d) Pop-up menu where the user can turn on and off the grid
    e) Moving polygon shaped filled field
    f) A grid with dashed polylines
    g) A highlighted area when the selected primitive or shape is clicked on
    h) Key control to clear off all the drawings and quit the application
    i) Key control to clear specific group of primitives e.g. all lines, all circles, etc.
    j) Some information about user interaction from the console (see figure below)
    Figure 4: Output and instructions on the console
    Notes: All the shapes in the figure are built from simple primitives and you are free
    to copy this design without penalty.
    User Requirements
    R1: If the \'l\' key is pressed all lines should be cleared from the canvas
    R2: If the \'t\' key is pressed all triangles should be cleared from the canvas
    R3: If the \'p\' key is pressed all points should be cleared from the canvas
    R4: If the \'c\' key is pressed all circles should be cleared from the canvas
    R5: If the \'r\' key is pressed all rectangles should be cleared from the canvas
    R6: If the \'escape\' key is pressed the application should quit
    R7: If the \'space bar\' is pressed the canvas is cleared
    R8: If the special keys are pressed the primitives can be moved
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  12. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    R9: Left click to select shapes from the menus
    R10: Left click on the drawing area to draw
    R11: Right click to bring up a pop-up menu
    Software Requirements
    R12: By default, the application should load and show the two menu bars, a title and
    the grid on
    R13: Objects shall be drawn inside the canvas
    R14: The titles and labels shall accurately reflect the application.
    R15: The Animation should stop when other options from the pop-up menu are
    Important Notes:
    Make sure you attempt all of the above.
    Create C/C++ functions that are sensibly named such as: drawAsteroids(…),
    drawObstacles(…), drawSpaceship(…), asteroidCollision(…) , drawHit (..),
    createMenu(…), etc.
    You can also use C++ classes if you know how to.
    Note even if you achieve a requirement you may not get full marks if it is
    perceived by the marker that a better solution was possible.
    All work is marked in a viva (THE VIVA IS COMPULSORY) and the marker’s
    academic judgment is final and cannot be questioned.
    Note that the maximum mark for work marked without a
    viva/demonstration will be 30%.
    Please comment your code extensively and put the author of any code that
    is not your own in the comments above the code section. Note you may lose
    marks for uncommented code.

    Please submit your code via Blackboard by 1PM on the due date.

    Design your application before coding.
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W

  13. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Mark Breakdown and Guidelines – note this will be marked using a
    Blackboard rubric during a compulsory viva
    Note::: Not full marks will be given per section, even if the components have been
    fully implemented, if the student cannot explain satisfactorily the code to the tutor.
    GLUT set up and console output
  14. 7%
    Not done -
    Some code –
    not working
    max 1%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    such as no
    max 3%
    inconsistency or
    defect (single
    buffer leading to
    poor redraw
    max 5%
    All correct –
    sensibly names
    call backs
    max 7%
    Car model and navigation control – model and rotation code (15% for model
    primitives and 15% for rotation code and user controls - e.g. rotation, move of the
    car left/right/up/down) - 30%
    Not done -
    Some code,
    max 9%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    (no user
    control for
    rotation of
    the car)
    max 18%
    Working but
    or defect
    (such as not
    well coded,
    jerky motion)
    max 24%
    Works correctly no
    jerky movement,
    good model and
    smooth movement
    of the car and
    rotation to the
    correct direction
    max 30%
    Collision code for Obstacles and re-spawning (5% for the model and 20% for
    random or predetermined redraw code with working collision detection) – 25%
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  15. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Not done -
    Some code,
    working, no
    max 5%
    Static only or
    major defect
    such as no
    redraw or car
    collision is
    not working
    max 12%
    Some minor
    or defect or
    not randomly
    max 19%
    Works as required
    with no issues
    max 25%
    Play area and Gates
  16. 5%
    Not done -
    Some code –
    not working
    max 1%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    such as no
    play area
    max 3%
    inconsistency or
    defect, such as
    same colour for
    the gates
    max 4%
    All correct –
    max 5%
    Mouse interaction for the pop-up menu (e.g. grid and pattern code) -11%
    Not done -
    Some code,
    working such
    as static
    pattern when
    the screen
    max 4%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    such as only
    one option to
    max 6%
    Minor issues –
    mostly works
    but has minor
    issues (e.g.
    the pattern
    and grid only
    change once)
    max 8%
    All correct –
    efficient code –
    easy to extend.
    max 11%
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  17. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Working Score panel – 12%
    Not done -
    Some code,
    working or
    only static
    max 4%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    max 6%
    Working but
    or defect, for
    points are not
    from the
    max 8%
    Works as required
    with no issues
    max 12%
    Explanation of code/Computer Graphics principles in the viva -10%
    Very poor or
    probably fail
    – cannot
    explain code
    though still
    has some
    Code is
    unclear and
    difficult to
    max 3%
    Some major
    gaps in
    comments in
    the code
    max 5%
    Some minor
    weakness in
    knowledge –
    need to revise
    some points.
    Names in the
    variable not
    or difficult to
    max 7%
    understanding –
    can answer all
    questions and
    understands all
    max 10%
    Comment: Tutor should point out areas that the
    student should revise or strengthen their
    knowledge of (if required).
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  18. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Mark Breakdown and Guidelines
    2D Drawing Canvas
    GLUT set up, console output and Title
  19. 7%
    Not done -
    Some code –
    not working
    max 2%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    such as no
    output or
    max 4%
    inconsistency or
    defect (single
    buffer leading to
    poor redraw
    max 5%
    All correct –
    sensibly names
    call backs
    max 7%
    Visualisation code of the grid data
  20. 8%
    Not done -
    Some code,
    max 2%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
  21. only vertical
    or horizontal
    max 5%
    Minor issues –
    straight lines
    used instead
    of dashed
    max 7%
    Complete and
    max 8%
    Visualisation code of the canvas

    • 25%

    Not done -
    Some code,
    (only drawing
    of objects)
    max 7%
    Works but
    not correct.
    Or has other
    major defect
    (only one
    menu bar, no
    Minor defect.
    Mostly correct
    with minor
    issues such as
    no highlighted
    max 20%
    Complete and
    max 25%
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W

  22. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    max 13%
    Drawing on the canvas

    • 20%

    Not done -
    Some code,
    (drawing only
    a single line
    or point)
    max 5%
    Works but
    not correct.
    Or has other
    major defect
    starts always
    from the
    centre or can
    draw only in
    one area)
    max 10%
    Minor defect.
    Mostly correct
    with minor
    issues such as
    drawing goes
    over the
    inactive areas
    of the menu
    max 15%
    Complete and
    max 20%

    • 13%

    Not done -
    Some code,
    (only static
    polygon field)
    max 5%
    Works but
    not correct.
    Or has other
    major defect
    (covers the
    whole canvas
    area, drifts
    from bottom
    to top only
    max 8%
    Minor defect.
    Mostly correct
    with minor
    issues such as
    no colour
    blending of
    the shapes
    max 11%
    Complete and
    max 13%
    Mouse interaction for the menu bars and the pop-up menu -8%
    Not done -
    Some code,
    (no pop-up
    menu but
    Major defect
    menu with
    only 1 option
    no mouse
    Minor issues –
    mostly works
    but has minor
    max 6%
    All correct –
    efficient code –
    easy to extend.
    max 8%
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W

  23. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    some mouse
    max 2%
    control in the
    max 4%
    Key controls and Collision with the bars -9%
    Not done -
    Some code –
    not working
    max 2%
    Works but
    not correctly
    or has other
    major defect
    – wrong keys
    working, no
    collision with
    the bar
    max 5%
    or defect
    max 7%
    All correct and
    max 9%
    Explanation of code and good writing of code -10%
    Very poor or
    probably fail
    – cannot
    explain code
    though still
    has some
    Code is
    unclear and
    difficult to
    max 3%
    Some major
    gaps in
    comments in
    the code
    max 5%
    Some minor
    weakness in
    knowledge –
    need to revise
    some points.
    Names in the
    variable not
    or difficult to
    max 7%
    understanding –
    can answer all
    questions and
    understands all
    max 10%
    Comment: Tutor should point out areas that the
    student should revise or strengthen their
    knowledge of (if required).
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  24. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Appendix A
    This is an example of a line class to be able to draw a line. You can follow
    similar concept for other shapes such as triangles and rectangles.
    // Line class
    class Line
    Line(int x1Val, int y1Val, int x2Val, int y2Val)
    x1 = x1Val; y1 = y1Val; x2 = x2Val; y2 = y2Val;
    void drawLine();
    int x1, y1, x2, y2; // x and y co-ordinates of
    3D Graphics Programming - Coursework One - Referred/Deferred 5CCGD003W
  25. @Dr Anastassia Angelopoulou
    Appendix B
    For example, you can use structures to store the data for the shapes.
    //structure for the animated shapes
    struct Shapes {
    GLfloat x, y;
    GLfloat vx, vy;
    //the randomised function assigns different numbers to the
    coordinates and their velocity. this helps with the
    different speed to the shapes
    for (i = 0; i < num_shapes; i++)
    shapes[i].x = rand() % weidth ;
    shapes[i].y = rand() % height ;
    shapes[i].vx = (rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * 3;
    shapes[i].vy = (rand() / (float)RAND_MAX) * 5;

以上是关于解讲 5CCGD003W: 3D Graphics Programming的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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