cesium 娴佺嚎 椋炵嚎 杩佸緳鍥?鏀婚槻鍥?/a>

Posted 鍙嬩汉A


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了cesium 娴佺嚎 椋炵嚎 杩佸緳鍥?鏀婚槻鍥?/a>相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


    <div class="tole">
        <div id="cesiumContainer" style="height: 100%;width: 100%">


import * as Cesium from \'cesium/Cesium\'
import widget from \'cesium/Widgets/widgets.css\'
var viewer = null
export default {
        Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = \'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJlZGMwM2M2OC02ZGYwLTQ5NzQtYjBkOS1lYTM0MmYxNTZlZTkiLCJpZCI6NjEwNTMsImlhdCI6MTYyNTY0ODgzN30.9B76dtOIBsNmX3laJ5VXFOqt2NlBT-n16j4ppUF8IYA\'
        // viewer = new Cesium.CesiumWidget(\'cesiumContainer\')
        viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer",{
            animation: false, // 闅愯棌鍔ㄧ敾鎺т欢
            baseLayerPicker: false, // 闅愯棌鍥惧眰閫夋嫨鎺т欢
            fullscreenButton: false, // 闅愯棌鍏ㄥ睆鎸夐挳
            vrButton: false, // 闅愯棌VR鎸夐挳锛岄粯璁alse
            geocoder: false, // 闅愯棌鍦板悕鏌ユ壘鎺т欢
            homeButton: false, // 闅愯棌Home鎸夐挳
            infoBox: false, // 闅愯棌鐐瑰嚮瑕佺礌涔嬪悗鏄剧ず鐨勪俊鎭獥鍙?            sceneModePicker: false, // 闅愯棌鍦烘櫙妯″紡閫夋嫨鎺т欢
            selectionIndicator: true, // 鏄剧ず瀹炰綋瀵硅薄閫夋嫨妗嗭紝榛樿true
            timeline: false, // 闅愯棌鏃堕棿绾挎帶浠?            navigationHelpButton: false, // 闅愯棌甯姪鎸夐挳
            scene3DOnly: true, // 姣忎釜鍑犱綍瀹炰緥灏嗗彧鍦?D涓憟鐜帮紝浠ヨ妭鐪丟PU鍐呭瓨
            shouldAnimate: true, // 寮€鍚姩鐢昏嚜鍔ㄦ挱鏀?            sceneMode: 3, // 鍒濆鍦烘櫙妯″紡 1锛?D 2锛?D寰幆 3锛?D锛岄粯璁?
            requestRenderMode: false, // 鍑忓皯Cesium娓叉煋鏂板抚鎬绘椂闂村苟鍑忓皯Cesium鍦ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忎腑鎬讳綋CPU浣跨敤鐜?            // 濡傚満鏅腑鐨勫厓绱犳病鏈夐殢浠跨湡鏃堕棿鍙樺寲锛岃鑰冭檻灏嗚缃甿aximumRenderTimeChange涓鸿緝楂樼殑鍊硷紝渚嬪Infinity
            maximumRenderTimeChange: Infinity,
            //澶╁湴鍥惧奖鍍?            // imageryProvider: new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({
            //     url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/vec_w/wmts?service=wmts&request=GetTile&version=1.0.0&LAYER=vec&tileMatrixSet=w&TileMatrix={TileMatrix}&TileRow={TileRow}&TileCol={TileCol}&style=default&format=tiles&tk=39ca2b2b8dc2f3e1e9c3de07f4d4de57",
            //     layer: "tdtBasicLayer",
            //     style: "default",
            //     format: "tiles",
            //     tileMatrixSetID: "GoogleMapsCompatible",
            //     show: true,
            //     maximumLevel: 18
            // })
        this.viewer = viewer
        //娣诲姞澶╁湴鍥炬爣娉?        // viewer.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ 
        // url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/cia_w/wmts?service=wmts&request=GetTile&version=1.0.0&LAYER=cia&tileMatrixSet=w&TileMatrix={TileMatrix}&TileRow={TileRow}&TileCol={TileCol}&style=default.jpg&tk=39ca2b2b8dc2f3e1e9c3de07f4d4de57",
        // layer: "tdtAnnoLayer",
        // style: "default",
        // format: "tiles",
        // tileMatrixSetID: "GoogleMapsCompatible",
        // show: true
        // }));
        viewer.cesiumWidget.creditContainer.style.display = "none"

        //娣诲姞绾?        // var orangeOutlined = viewer.entities.add({
        // name:
        //     "Orange line with black outline at height and following the surface",
        // polyline: {
        //     positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([
        //     -75,
        //     39,
        //     0,
        //     -125,
        //     39,
        //     0,
        //     ]),
        //     width: 5,
        //     material: new Cesium.PolylineOutlineMaterialProperty({
        //     color: Cesium.Color.ORANGE,
        //     outlineWidth: 2,
        //     outlineColor: Cesium.Color.BLACK,
        //     }),
        // },
        // });
        // console.log(orangeOutlined);

        var entity = viewer.entities.add({
            position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(120.9677706,30.7985748,2.61),
            point: {
                color: Cesium.Color.RED,    //鐐逛綅棰滆壊
                pixelSize: 10                //鍍忕礌鐐瑰ぇ灏?            },
            label : {
                text : \'娴嬭瘯鍚嶇О\',
                font : \'14pt Source Han Sans CN\',    //瀛椾綋鏍峰紡
                fillColor:Cesium.Color.BLACK,        //瀛椾綋棰滆壊
                backgroundColor:Cesium.Color.AQUA,    //鑳屾櫙棰滆壊
                showBackground:true,                //鏄惁鏄剧ず鑳屾櫙棰滆壊
                style: Cesium.LabelStyle.FILL,        //label鏍峰紡
                outlineWidth : 2,                    
                verticalOrigin : Cesium.VerticalOrigin.CENTER,//鍨傜洿浣嶇疆
                horizontalOrigin :Cesium.HorizontalOrigin.LEFT,//姘村钩浣嶇疆
                pixelOffset:new Cesium.Cartesian2(10,0)            //鍋忕Щ

        let mm = this.parabola([-75,39,-175,39])
        var polyline = new Cesium.PolylineGeometry({
            positions: mm,
            width : 2
        const instance = new Cesium.GeometryInstance({
            geometry: polyline,
            id: \'flyline\',

        //娣诲姞鑷冲満鏅?        this.viewer.scene.primitives.add(
            new Cesium.Primitive({
                geometryInstances: [instance],
                appearance: this.getFlylineMaterial(),
                releaseGeometryInstances: false,
                compressVertices: false,
            point1 = [-75, 39],
            point2 = [-175,39],
            h = 500000
        ) {
            let flyline = getBSRxyz(...point1, ...point2, h)
            return flyline
            // 灏嗘暟鎹浆鎹负cesium polyline positions鏍煎紡
            function getBSRxyz(x1, y1, x2, y2, h) {
                let arr3d = getBSRPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, h)
                let arrAll = []
                for (let ite of arr3d) {
                return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(arrAll)
            function getBSRPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, h) {
                let point1 = [y1, 0]
                let point2 = [(y2 + y1) / 2, h]
                let point3 = [y2, 0]
                let arr = getBSR(point1, point2, point3)
                let arr3d = []
                for (let i = 0;  i< arr.length; i++) {
                    let x = ((x2 - x1) * (arr[i][0] - y1)) / (y2 - y1) + x1
                    arr3d.push([x, arr[i][0], arr[i][1]])
                return arr3d
            // 鐢熸垚璐濆灏旀洸绾?            function getBSR(point1, point2, point3) {
                var ps = [
                    { x: point1[0], y: point1[1] },
                    { x: point2[0], y: point2[1] },
                    { x: point3[0], y: point3[1] }
                // 100 姣忔潯绾跨敱100涓偣缁勬垚
                let guijipoints = CreateBezierPoints(ps, 100)
                return guijipoints
            // 璐濊禌灏旀洸绾跨畻娉?            // 鍙傛暟锛?            // anchorpoints: [{ x: 116.30, y: 39.60 }, { x: 37.50, y: 40.25 }, { x: 39.51, y: 36.25 }]
            function CreateBezierPoints(anchorpoints, pointsAmount) {
                var points = []
                for (var i = 0; i < pointsAmount; i++) {
                    var point = MultiPointBezier(anchorpoints, i / pointsAmount)
                    points.push([point.x, point.y])
                return points
            function MultiPointBezier(points, t) {
                var len = points.length
                var x = 0,
                    y = 0
                var erxiangshi = function(start, end) {
                    var cs = 1,
                        bcs = 1
                    while (end > 0) {
                        cs *= start
                        bcs *= end
                    return cs / bcs
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    var point = points[i]
                    x +=
                        point.x *
                        Math.pow(1 - t, len - 1 - i) *
                        Math.pow(t, i) *
                        erxiangshi(len - 1, i)
                    y +=
                        point.y *
                        Math.pow(1 - t, len - 1 - i) *
                        Math.pow(t, i) *
                        erxiangshi(len - 1, i)
                return { x: x, y: y }
        parabola(twoPoints) {  //鎶涚墿绾跨粯鍒?            let s = []
            let startPoint = [twoPoints[0],twoPoints[1],0]; //璧风偣鐨勭粡搴︺€佺含搴?            s = s.concat(startPoint)
            let step = 80;  //绾跨殑澶氬皯锛岃秺澶氬垯瓒婂钩婊?浣嗚繃澶氭祻瑙堝櫒缂撳瓨涔熶細鍗犵敤瓒婂)
            let heightProportion = 0.125; //鏈€楂樼偣鍜屾€昏窛绂荤殑姣斿€?            let dLon = (twoPoints[2] - startPoint[0])/step;  //缁忓害宸€?            let dLat = (twoPoints[3] - startPoint[1])/step;  //绾害宸€?            let deltaLon = dLon * Math.abs(111000*Math.cos(twoPoints[1]));  //缁忓害宸?绫崇骇)
            let deltaLat = dLat * 111000;  //绾害宸?绫?,1绾害鐩稿樊绾?11000绫?            let endPoint = [0,0,0];  //瀹氫箟涓€涓鐐癸紙鍚庨潰灏嗚繘琛宻tartPoint鍜宔ndPoint涓ょ偣鐢荤嚎锛?            let heigh = (step * Math.sqrt(deltaLon*deltaLon+deltaLat*deltaLat) * heightProportion).toFixed(0)*2;
            let x2 = (10000*Math.sqrt(dLon*dLon+dLat*dLat)); //灏忔暟鐐规墿澶?0000鍊嶏紝鎻愰珮绮剧‘搴?            let a = (heigh/(x2*x2));
            function y(x,height) { return height - a*x*x; }
            for(var i = 1;i <= step; i++){  //閫愨€滃抚鈥濈敾绾?                endPoint[0] = startPoint[0] + dLon; //鏇存柊end鐐圭粡搴?                endPoint[1] = startPoint[1] + dLat; //鏇存柊end鐐圭含搴?                let x = x2*(2*i/step-1);  //姹傛姏鐗╃嚎鍑芥暟x
                endPoint[2] = (y(x,heigh)).toFixed(0)*1;  //姹俥nd鐐归珮搴?                s = s.concat(endPoint)
                // end鐐瑰彉涓簊tart鐐?                startPoint[0] = endPoint[0];
                startPoint[1] = endPoint[1];
                startPoint[2] = endPoint[2];
            return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(s)
            // 鍒涘缓鏉愯川锛屽湪MaterialAppearance涓嫢涓嶆坊鍔犲熀纭€鏉愯川锛屾ā鍨嬪皢浼氶€忔槑
            var material = new Cesium.Material.fromType(\'Color\')
            material.uniforms.color = Cesium.Color.ORANGE
            // 椋炵嚎鏁堟灉-椋炵嚎闂撮殧锛屽搴?
            let fragmentShaderSource = `         
                        varying vec2 v_st;    
                        varying float v_width;    
                        varying float v_polylineAngle;
                        varying vec4 v_positionEC;
                        varying vec3 v_normalEC;
                        void main()
                            vec2 st = v_st;
                            // 绠ご椋炵嚎锛屽搴?8
                            float xx = fract(st.s*10.0 + st.t  - czm_frameNumber/60.0);
                            if (st.t<0.5) {
                                xx = fract(st.s*10.0 - st.t - czm_frameNumber/60.0);
                            float r = 0.0;
                            float g = xx;
                            float b = xx;
                            float a = xx;

                            // 椋炵嚎杈规
                            if (st.t>0.8||st.t<0.2) {
                                g = 1.0;
                                b = 1.0;
                                a = 0.4;

                            gl_FragColor = vec4(r,g,b,a);

            // 鑷畾涔夋潗璐?            const aper = new Cesium.PolylineMaterialAppearance({
                material: material,
                translucent: true,
                vertexShaderSource: `
                        #define CLIP_POLYLINE 
                        void clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(
                            vec3 p0,
                            vec3 p1,
                            out vec4 positionWC,
                            out bool clipped,
                            out bool culledByNearPlane,
                            out vec4 clippedPositionEC)
                            culledByNearPlane = false;
                            clipped = false;
                            vec3 p0ToP1 = p1 - p0;
                            float magnitude = length(p0ToP1);
                            vec3 direction = normalize(p0ToP1);
                            float endPoint0Distance =  czm_currentFrustum.x + p0.z;
                            float denominator = -direction.z;
                            if (endPoint0Distance > 0.0 && abs(denominator) < czm_epsilon7)
                                culledByNearPlane = true;
                            else if (endPoint0Distance > 0.0)
                                float t = endPoint0Distance / denominator;
                                if (t < 0.0 || t > magnitude)
                                    culledByNearPlane = true;
                                    p0 = p0 + t * direction;
                                    p0.z = min(p0.z, -czm_currentFrustum.x);
                                    clipped = true;
                            clippedPositionEC = vec4(p0, 1.0);
                            positionWC = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(clippedPositionEC);
                        vec4 getPolylineWindowCoordinatesEC(vec4 positionEC, vec4 prevEC, vec4 nextEC, float expandDirection, float width, bool usePrevious, out float angle)
                            #ifdef POLYLINE_DASH
                            vec4 positionWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(positionEC);
                            vec4 previousWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(prevEC);
                            vec4 nextWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(nextEC);
                            vec2 lineDir;
                            if (usePrevious) {
                                lineDir = normalize(positionWindow.xy - previousWindow.xy);
                            else {
                                lineDir = normalize(nextWindow.xy - positionWindow.xy);
                            angle = atan(lineDir.x, lineDir.y) - 1.570796327;
                            angle = floor(angle / czm_piOverFour + 0.5) * czm_piOverFour;
                            vec4 clippedPrevWC, clippedPrevEC;
                            bool prevSegmentClipped, prevSegmentCulled;
                            clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(prevEC.xyz, positionEC.xyz, clippedPrevWC, prevSegmentClipped, prevSegmentCulled, clippedPrevEC);
                            vec4 clippedNextWC, clippedNextEC;
                            bool nextSegmentClipped, nextSegmentCulled;
                            clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(nextEC.xyz, positionEC.xyz, clippedNextWC, nextSegmentClipped, nextSegmentCulled, clippedNextEC);
                            bool segmentClipped, segmentCulled;
                            vec4 clippedPositionWC, clippedPositionEC;
                            clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(positionEC.xyz, usePrevious ? prevEC.xyz : nextEC.xyz, clippedPositionWC, segmentClipped, segmentCulled, clippedPositionEC);
                            if (segmentCulled)
                                return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                            vec2 directionToPrevWC = normalize(clippedPrevWC.xy - clippedPositionWC.xy);
                            vec2 directionToNextWC = normalize(clippedNextWC.xy - clippedPositionWC.xy);
                            if (prevSegmentCulled)
                                directionToPrevWC = -directionToNextWC;
                            else if (nextSegmentCulled)
                                directionToNextWC = -directionToPrevWC;
                            vec2 thisSegmentForwardWC, otherSegmentForwardWC;
                            if (usePrevious)
                                thisSegmentForwardWC = -directionToPrevWC;
                                otherSegmentForwardWC = directionToNextWC;
                                thisSegmentForwardWC = directionToNextWC;
                                otherSegmentForwardWC =  -directionToPrevWC;
                            vec2 thisSegmentLeftWC = vec2(-thisSegmentForwardWC.y, thisSegmentForwardWC.x);
                            vec2 leftWC = thisSegmentLeftWC;
                            float expandWidth = width * 0.5;
                            if (!czm_equalsEpsilon(prevEC.xyz - positionEC.xyz, vec3(0.0), czm_epsilon1) && !czm_equalsEpsilon(nextEC.xyz - positionEC.xyz, vec3(0.0), czm_epsilon1))
                                vec2 otherSegmentLeftWC = vec2(-otherSegmentForwardWC.y, otherSegmentForwardWC.x);
                                vec2 leftSumWC = thisSegmentLeftWC + otherSegmentLeftWC;
                                float leftSumLength = length(leftSumWC);
                                leftWC = leftSumLength < czm_epsilon6 ? thisSegmentLeftWC : (leftSumWC / leftSumLength);
                                vec2 u = -thisSegmentForwardWC;
                                vec2 v = leftWC;
                                float sinAngle = abs(u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x);
                                expandWidth = clamp(expandWidth / sinAngle, 0.0, width * 2.0);
                            vec2 offset = leftWC * expandDirection * expandWidth * czm_pixelRatio;
                            return vec4(clippedPositionWC.xy + offset, -clippedPositionWC.z, 1.0) * (czm_projection * clippedPositionEC).w;
                        vec4 getPolylineWindowCoordinates(vec4 position, vec4 previous, vec4 next, float expandDirection, float width, bool usePrevious, out float angle)
                            vec4 positionEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * position;
                            vec4 prevEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * previous;
                            vec4 nextEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * next;
                            return getPolylineWindowCoordinatesEC(positionEC, prevEC, nextEC, expandDirection, width, usePrevious, angle);

                        attribute vec3 position3DHigh;
                        attribute vec3 position3DLow;
                        attribute vec3 prevPosition3DHigh;
                        attribute vec3 prevPosition3DLow;
                        attribute vec3 nextPosition3DHigh;
                        attribute vec3 nextPosition3DLow;
                        attribute vec2 expandAndWidth;
                        attribute vec2 st;
                        attribute float batchId;

                        varying float v_width;
                        varying vec2 v_st;
                        varying float v_polylineAngle;
                        varying vec4 v_positionEC;
                        varying vec3 v_normalEC;
                        void main()
                        float expandDir = expandAndWidth.x;
                        float width = abs(expandAndWidth.y) + 0.5;
                        bool usePrev = expandAndWidth.y < 0.0;

                        vec4 p = czm_computePosition();
                        vec4 prev = czm_computePrevPosition();
                        vec4 next = czm_computeNextPosition();
                        float angle;
                        vec4 positionWC = getPolylineWindowCoordinates(p, prev, next, expandDir, width, usePrev, angle);
                        gl_Position = czm_viewportOrthographic * positionWC;
                        v_width = width;
                        v_st.s = st.s;
                        v_st.t = st.t;
                        // v_st.t = czm_writeNonPerspective(st.t, gl_Position.w);
                        v_polylineAngle = angle;

                        vec4 eyePosition = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * p;
                        v_positionEC =  czm_inverseModelView * eyePosition;      // position in eye coordinates
                        //v_normalEC = czm_normal * normal;                         // normal in eye coordinates

                fragmentShaderSource: fragmentShaderSource
            return aper;

<style scope lang="scss">
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;


以上是关于cesium 娴佺嚎 椋炵嚎 杩佸緳鍥?鏀婚槻鍥?/a>的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


Android5 Zygote 涓?SystemServer 鍚姩娴佺▼鍒嗘瀽

Spring DestorySingleton娴佺▼



榛戣嫻鏋滃紑鑽掕绯荤粺绡? 瓒呰缁嗙殑绾噣 MacOS 瀹夎娴佺▼