# https://hopstat.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/faster-xml-conversion-to-data-frames/
# doc = xmlParse("xmlFile.xml")
## xpath is an XPath expression extracting the dataset you want. For example if I wanted dataset1, I'd run:
# xmlToDF(doc, xpath = "/export/dataset1")
## You can set isXML=FALSE and pass in a character string of the xml filename, which just parses it for you.
# xmlToDF("xmlFile.xml", xpath = "/export/dataset1", isXML = FALSE)
xmlToDF = function(doc, xpath, isXML = TRUE, usewhich = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!isXML)
doc = xmlParse(doc)
#### get the records for that form
nodeset <- getNodeSet(doc, xpath)
## get the field names
var.names <- lapply(nodeset, names)
## get the total fields that are in any record
fields = unique(unlist(var.names))
## extract the values from all fields
dl = lapply(fields, function(x) {
if (verbose)
print(paste0(" ", x))
xpathSApply(proc, paste0(xpath, "/", x), xmlValue)
## make logical matrix whether each record had that field
name.mat = t(sapply(var.names, function(x) fields %in% x))
df = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(name.mat), ncol = ncol(name.mat)))
names(df) = fields
## fill in that data.frame
for (icol in 1:ncol(name.mat)) {
rep.rows = name.mat[, icol]
if (usewhich)
rep.rows = which(rep.rows)
df[rep.rows, icol] = dl[[icol]]