gather() takes multiple columns, and gathers them into keyvalue pairs: it makes “wide” data longer
spread() takes two columns (key & value) and spreads in to multiple columns, it makes “long” data
#Spread is known by other names in other places: it’s cast in reshape2, unpivot in spreadsheets and unfold in databases
separate() splits a single column into multiple columns //splitting based on some character
unite() combines multiple columns into a single column
messy <- data.frame(
name = c("Wilbur", "Petunia", "Gregory"),
a = c(67, 80, 64),
b = c(56, 90, 50)
messy %>% gather(catcolnewname1,valuenewcolname1,a,b) OR
messy %>% gather(catcolnewname1,valuenewcolname1,2:3)
messy <- data.frame(
id = 1:4,
trt = sample(rep(c('control', 'treatment'), each = 2)),
work.T1 = runif(4),
home.T1 = runif(4),
work.T2 = runif(4),
home.T2 = runif(4)
tidy=messy %>% gather(mycolumn1,mycolumn2,3:6)
################################################### The numbers 3:6 indicate where the numerics are !!!
################################################## or you can exclude columns like this
DF %>% gather(Quarter, Revenue, -Group, -Year) ## group and year are excluded
messy=tidy %>% spread(mycolumn1,mycolumn2)
#using spread function to get back into wide format
tidier <- tidy %>% separate(mycolumn1, into = c("location", "time"), sep = "\\.")
tidy=tidier %>% unite(mycolumn1,location, time, sep = ".")
#using separate to break the column mycolumn1
#using unite to get back tidy