r Rambo:Allelic Richness和Private等位基因通过多次随机减少



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## ---------------------------------------------
## Rambo V0.9 : Allelic Richness and Private alleles by Multiple random reductions
## Jorge Assis (2016)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Genetic diversity estimation per site or group of sites as standardised allelic richness, standardised number of private alleles and expected heterozygosity determined to the smallest site or group  in terms of individuals under a set of randomizations.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Citation:
## Assis, J., Coelho, N. C., Lamy, T., Valero, M., Alberto, F., & Serrão, E. A. (2016). Deep reefs are climatic refugia for genetic diversity of marine forests. Journal of Biogeography, (43), 833–844. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12677
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

main.data.file = "Data/Genetics/Final Lo_Global_15L.gen"
missing.data =  0
ncode = 3L
replace = TRUE
resample.number.auto = FALSE
resample.number = 15 # 15 !!
discard.pops = NULL
number.iteractions = 999
alfa.test = 0.05 
clustering.vector = 1:25
clustering.vector = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) # K= 3
clustering.vector = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,7) # K= 3 no 16 17
savefile = FALSE
save.filename = NULL

Rambo(main.data.file, missing.data, ncode, replace, resample.number.auto, resample.number,
      discard.pops, number.iteractions, alfa.test, clustering.vector, savefile,

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rambo <- function (main.data.file, missing.data, ncode, replace, resample.number.auto, resample.number,
                              discard.pops, number.iteractions, alfa.test, clustering.vector, savefile,
                              save.filename) {
  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Installing and Reading Dependences

  substrRight <- function(x, n){
    substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x))

  ## ----------------
  installing <- FALSE
  if( !"adegenet" %in% as.character(installed.packages()[,"Package"]) ) {

    cat( "\r" , "\r" , " Installing Dependences...", "\r", "\r")
    try(install.packages("adegenet" , verbose=FALSE , quiet = TRUE) , silent = TRUE) ))
    installing <- TRUE

  suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(  try( library(adegenet) , silent = TRUE) ))

  if( !"PopGenReport" %in% as.character(installed.packages()[,"Package"]) ) {

    if( ! installing ) {
      cat( "\r" , "\r" , " Installing Dependences...", "\r", "\r")
      try(install.packages("PopGenReport" , verbose=FALSE , quiet = TRUE) , silent = TRUE) ))

  suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(  try( library(PopGenReport) , silent = TRUE) ))

  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Reading Data

  # A genepop object

  if( class(main.data.file) == "genind" ) {

    data <- main.data.file


  # A genepop file

  if( class(main.data.file) == "character" ) {
    if(ncode == 3) {
      suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( try( data <- read.genepop(main.data.file,ncode = 3L) , silent = FALSE) ))
    if(ncode == 2) {
      suppressMessages(suppressWarnings( try( data <- read.genepop(main.data.file,ncode = 2L) , silent = FALSE) ))

  if( ! exists("data") ) {

    stop("Error or Uncoded situation [!]\nGenepop Data is unreadable or the path is uncorrect")


  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Main Objets and Defenitions

  if( is.null(resample.number.auto) | ! exists("resample.number.auto") ) { resample.number.auto <- TRUE }
  if( is.null(clustering.vector) | ! exists("clustering.vector") ) { clustering.vector <- NULL }
  if( is.null(resample.number) | ! exists("resample.number") ) { resample.number <- NULL }
  if( is.null(savefile) | ! exists("savefile") ) { savefile <- NULL }
  if( is.null(replace) | ! exists("replace") ) { replace <- FALSE }
  if( is.null(resample.number.auto) | ! exists("resample.number.auto") ) { resample.number.auto <- TRUE }
  if( is.null(discard.pops) | ! exists("discard.pops") ) { discard.pops <- NULL }
  if( is.null(number.iteractions) | ! exists("number.iteractions") ) { number.iteractions <- 999 }
  if( is.null(alfa.test) | ! exists("alfa.test") ) { alfa.test <- 0.05 }

  loci.names <- as.character(unique(data$loc.fac))
  loci.names.individuals <- data$loc.fac
  loci.n <- length(loci.names)

  cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  cat(" Rambo . Random reductions for genetic data")
  cat(" Data file: ", main.data.file)
  cat(" Loci: ", loci.n)
  cat(" Ploidy: ",unique(data$ploidy))

  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Discard Populations

  if( exists("discard.pops") & ! is.null(discard.pops) ) {

    data <- data[ ! data@pop %in% unique(data@pop)[discard.pops]  , ]
    cat(" Removed populations: ",discard.pops)


  cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")

  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Other Objets and Defenitions

  population.names <- as.character(unique(data@pop))
  population.names.results <- substr(population.names, 1, 3)
  population.n <- length(unique(data@pop))

  individual.n.per.pop <- vector()

  for (f in 1:population.n){

    individual.n.per.pop <- c(individual.n.per.pop,nrow(data[ data@pop == population.names[f] , ]@tab))


  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Clustering

  prior.variable.clustering <- TRUE
  if( is.null(clustering.vector) | ! exists("clustering.vector") ) {
    clustering.vector <- 1:population.n
    cat(" Clustering: FALSE")
    prior.variable.clustering <- FALSE
  if ( prior.variable.clustering & ! is.null(clustering.vector) | prior.variable.clustering & exists("clustering.vector") ) {

      if( length(clustering.vector) != population.n) { stop("Error or Uncoded situation [!]\nThe number of populations does not match the length of the clustering vector.")   }

      clustering.array <- vector()

      for (i in 1:population.n ) {

        clustering.array <- c(clustering.array,rep(paste("POP.",as.character(clustering.vector[i]),sep=""),individual.n.per.pop[i]))


      data@pop <- as.factor(clustering.array)

      cat(" Clustering: TRUE")


  population.names <- unique( data@pop )
  individual.names <- data@pop
  population.n <- length(population.names)
  individual.n <- length(individual.names)

  if ( resample.number.auto ) {

    samples <- vector()

    for (i in 1:population.n) {

      samples <- c(samples, sum( !is.na(which(individual.names %in% population.names[i]))))

    resamp <- samples[which.min(samples)]


  if ( ! resample.number.auto | is.null(resample.number.auto) ) {

    resamp <- resample.number


  ## -----------------------------------------------------
  ## Main Random Matrices to produce Results

  results.unique <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)
  results.unique.others <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)

  results.richness <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)
  results.richness.others <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)

  results.he <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)
  results.he.others <- matrix(NA, ncol = number.iteractions, nrow = population.n)

  for (int in 1:number.iteractions) {

            progress <- round((int/number.iteractions) * 100, digits = 0)

            cat("     \r")
            cat(paste(" Rambo in progress: ", progress, " % | ", number.iteractions,
                      " randomizations for ", population.n, " populations with ",
                      resamp, " individuals                                       ",
                      sep = ""), "\r")

            resample.array <- vector()

            for( i in 1:population.n) {

                  if( sum(individual.names == population.names[i]) < resamp ) {  replace.pop <- TRUE  } else { replace.pop <- replace  }
                  resample.array <- c(resample.array,sample(which(individual.names == population.names[i]), resamp, replace = replace.pop))


            data.resamp <- data[ resample.array , ]

            unique <- vector()
            unique.others <- vector()
            alleles <- vector()
            alleles.other <- vector()

            # Allele Richness & Unique Alleles

            for (j in 1:population.n ) {

                      all.alleles.perlocus.j <- apply( data.resamp[ data.resamp@pop == population.names[j] , ]@tab , 2 , sum , na.rm=T)
                      all.alleles.perlocus.j <- data.frame(all.alleles.perlocus.j)
                      all.alleles.perlocus.j <- all.alleles.perlocus.j[substrRight(rownames(all.alleles.perlocus.j), 3) != missing.data,]
                      all.alleles.perlocus.j[all.alleles.perlocus.j > 0] <- 1

                      all.alleles.perlocus.others.j <- apply( data.resamp[ data.resamp@pop != population.names[j] , ]@tab , 2 , sum, na.rm=T)
                      all.alleles.perlocus.others.j <- data.frame(all.alleles.perlocus.others.j)
                      all.alleles.perlocus.others.j <- all.alleles.perlocus.others.j[substrRight(rownames(all.alleles.perlocus.others.j), 3) != missing.data,]
                      all.alleles.perlocus.others.j[all.alleles.perlocus.others.j > 0] <- 1

                      merged <- rbind(all.alleles.perlocus.j , all.alleles.perlocus.others.j )

                      unique <- c(unique , length(which(merged[1,] == 1 & merged[2,] == 0)) )
                      unique.others <- c(unique.others , length(which(merged[1,] == 0 & merged[2,] == 1)) )

                      alleles <- c( alleles , (sum(all.alleles.perlocus.j) ) / loci.n )
                      alleles.other <- c(alleles.other , (sum(all.alleles.perlocus.others.j > 0) ) / loci.n )


            he <- Hs(data.resamp)

    # Place results

    results.unique[, int] <- unique
    results.unique.others[, int] <- unique.others
    results.richness[, int] <- alleles
    results.richness.others[, int] <- alleles.other
    results.he[, int] <- he


  results.significance.richness <- numeric(population.n)
  results.significance.unique <- numeric(population.n)

  for (j in 1:population.n ) {

    results.significance.richness[j] <- signif(wilcox.test(results.richness[j, ] , results.richness.others[j, ], alternative = "greater")$p.value,3)
    results.significance.unique[j] <- signif(wilcox.test(results.unique[j, ] , results.unique.others[j, ], alternative = "greater")$p.value,3)


  results.significance.richness[results.significance.richness > alfa.test] <- "NS"
  results.significance.unique[results.significance.unique > alfa.test] <- "NS"

  if( length(unique(clustering.vector)) == length(individual.n.per.pop) ) {

    main.results.data.frame <-  data.frame( Population = ( population.names.results ) ,
                                            . = rep("        ", length(individual.n.per.pop) ) ,
                                            n = individual.n.per.pop , 
                                            . = rep("        ", length(individual.n.per.pop) ) ,
                                            A = round(apply(results.richness, 1, mean), 2) ,
                                            SD.A = round(apply(results.richness, 1, sd), 2) ,
                                            Signif.A = results.significance.richness ,
                                            .. = rep("        ", length(individual.n.per.pop) ) ,
                                            PA = round(apply(results.unique, 1, mean), 2) ,
                                            SD.PA = round(apply(results.unique, 1, sd), 2) ,
                                            Signif.PA = results.significance.unique ,
                                            ... = rep("        ", length(individual.n.per.pop) ) ,
                                            He = round(apply(results.he, 1, mean), 2),
                                            SD.He = round(apply(results.he, 1, sd), 2)
    ) }
  if( length(unique(clustering.vector)) != length(individual.n.per.pop) ) {
    main.results.data.frame <-  data.frame( Population = 1:length(unique(clustering.vector)) ,
                                            . = rep("        ", length(unique(clustering.vector)) ) ,
                                            A = round(apply(results.richness, 1, mean), 2) ,
                                            SD.A = round(apply(results.richness, 1, sd), 2) ,
                                            Signif.A = results.significance.richness ,
                                            .. = rep("        ", length(unique(clustering.vector)) ) ,
                                            PA = round(apply(results.unique, 1, mean), 2) ,
                                            SD.PA = round(apply(results.unique, 1, sd), 2) ,
                                            Signif.PA = results.significance.unique ,
                                            ... = rep("        ", length(unique(clustering.vector)) ) ,
                                            He = round(apply(results.he, 1, mean), 2),
                                            SD.He = round(apply(results.he, 1, sd), 2)

  if (savefile) {
    write.table(  main.results.data.frame , quote = FALSE , file = paste(save.filename, ".txt", sep = ""), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, na = "NA", dec = ".")


    cat(" Rambo Results for", number.iteractions," randomizations using", population.n, "populations with", resamp, "individuals" )
    cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
    cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
    cat(" NS for non-significant Wilcoxon tests p-values for differences in mean diversity each population and the global pool (i.e. it is a paired difference test).")


## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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