// Imports
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
// Declare the FileStream and String variables
private var _fileStream:FileStream;
private var _fileContents:String;
private function onCreationComplete():void // Fired when the application has been created
var myFile:File = File.appResourceDirectory; // Create out file object and tell our File Object where to look for the file
myFile = myFile.resolve("mySampleFile.txt"); // Point it to an actual file
_fileStream = new FileStream(); // Create our file stream
_fileStream.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onFileProgress); // Add our the progress event listener
_fileStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFileComplete); // Add our the complete event listener
_fileStream.openAsync(myFile, FileMode.READ); // Call the openAsync() method instead of open()
private function onFileProgress(p_evt:ProgressEvent):void // Event handler for the PROGRESS Event
_fileContents += _fileStream.readMultiByte(_fileStream.bytesAvailable, "iso-8859-1"); // Read the contens of the file and add to the contents variable
fileContents_txt.text = _fileContents; // Display the contents. I've created a TextArea on the stage for display
private function onFileComplete(p_evt:Event):void // Event handler for the COMPLETE event
_fileStream.close(); // Clean up and close the file stream