import caurina.transitions.Tweener; // don't forget to install this.
function loadImageTo(which_mc:MovieClip, whichImg:String, finishFunction:Function):void // syntax: loadImageTo("which movieclip to add the image to", "the path/URL to the image", "the function to call when complete")
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishFunction);
try {
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(whichImg));
} catch (error:IOErrorEvent) {
// ouch! an error
} catch (error:Error) {
// ouch! an error
function hideSpinner1(e):void // you should totally customize this function
Tweener.addTween(spinner_mc, {alpha:0, time:.5, onComplete:function(){ spinner_mc.enabled = false; } }); // keep this line in here, to hide the spinner.
// resize your new image:
holder_mc.width = stage.stageWidth;
holder_mc.height = stage.stageHeight;
// apply smoothing to your new image:
var img_bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
img_bm = Bitmap(e.currentTarget.content);
img_bm.smoothing = true;
function init()
if (holder_mc.numChildren > 0) holder_mc.removeChildAt(0); // this line is added so that any previously-loaded image is removed before adding another to the holder
loadImageTo(holder_mc, "sample.jpg", hideSpinner1); // if you want to use the loadImageTo function without a preloader spinner, just create an empty function and send that as the "finishFunction"
init(); // make it so.