ActionScript 3 圆形文本字段



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了ActionScript 3 圆形文本字段相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Usage from other .as file:

	public var inputText:String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet%newline%, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit adipiscing quam, eu suscipit arcu mattis eget. Curabitur consectetur eleifend magna id scelerisque. Etiam congue condimentum leo ac lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed aliquet justo. Nunc dapibus massa ut justo elementum et vestibulum justo suscipit.";
	roundTextField = new RoundedTextField(inputText);

	import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
	import flash.display.BlendMode;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
	import flash.text.TextFormat;
	import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;

	 * @author mparzinski (twitter: @withinmedianl)
	 * - parameters (input, circleSize, margin, startY, endY, font, fontSize, lineHeight, backgroundColor, backgroundAlpha)
	 * 				- input: 		The text that should be placed in the roundedtextfield
	 * 				- circlesize:		The size of the circle (from center to side, so 75 gives a circle of 150px)
	 * 				- margin:		The margin in px from the sides of the circle to the text
	 * 				- startY:		topmargin (snaps to textfield's height)
	 * 				- endY:			bottomMargin (snaps to textfield's height)
	 * 				- font:			font used in the textfield
	 * 				- fontSize: 		size of the font in px
	 * 				- lineHeight:		height of a line of text
	 * 				- backgroundColor:	color of the circle (0xRRGGBB)
	 * 				- backgroundAlpha:	alpha of the circle (0 - 1)
	 * 				- animate		(boolean) should the clip animate in?
	 * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	 * - %newline% in input for a linebreak (dont work on autosize)
	 * - circlesize to "-1" for autoSize
	 * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	public class RoundedTextField extends Sprite
		public var defaultCircleSize:Number;		
		public var defaultMargin:Number;
		public var defaultStartY:Number;
		public var defaultEndY:Number;
		public var defaultFont:String;
		public var defaultFontSize:Number;
		public var defaultLineHeight:Number;
		public var defaultBackgroundColor:Number;
		public var defaultBackgroundAlpha:Number;		
		public var defaultAnimate:Boolean;		
		private var autoSize:Boolean;
		public var currentTargetIndex:Number;
		public var currentTargetNextY:Number;
		public var placedChars:Number;
		public var difference:Number;
		public var circleSprite:Sprite;
		public var squareSprite:Sprite;
		public var textFieldSize:Sprite;
		public var textFormat:TextFormat;
		public var currentTarget:TextField;	
		public var textFields:Array;	
		// Constructor
		public function RoundedTextField(
		circleSize:Number 			= 210, 
		margin:Number 				= 15, 
		startY:Number 				= 10, 
		endY:Number 				= 30,
		font:String				= "Arial",
		fontSize:Number 			= 13, 
		lineHeight:Number 			= 17, 
		backgroundColor:uint 			= 0xB3E7FB, 
		backGroundAlpha:Number 			= 1,
		animate:Boolean				= true
			if(circleSize != -1)
				defaultCircleSize 	= circleSize;
				autoSize		= false;
				defaultCircleSize 	= 50;
				autoSize		= true;
			defaultMargin			= margin;
			defaultStartY			= startY;
			defaultEndY 			= endY;
			defaultFont 			= font;
			defaultFontSize 		= fontSize;
			defaultLineHeight 		= lineHeight;
			defaultBackgroundColor 	= backgroundColor;
			defaultBackgroundAlpha 	= backGroundAlpha;
			defaultAnimate 			= animate;
			textFormat 			= new TextFormat();
			textFormat.font 		= defaultFont;
			textFormat.size 		= defaultFontSize;
			textFormat.align 		= TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
		public function init(input:String):void 
			currentTargetNextY 		= (-defaultCircleSize) + defaultStartY + defaultLineHeight;
			currentTargetIndex 		= 0;
			placedChars 			= 0;
			textFields 			= new Array();
			// draw the background circle
			circleSprite = new Sprite;, defaultBackgroundAlpha);, 0, defaultCircleSize);;
			trace("input length; " + input.length);
		private function addTextFields():void
			trace("adding Textfields");
			while(currentTargetNextY < defaultCircleSize - (defaultLineHeight + defaultEndY))
				var tf:TextField 	= new TextField();
				tf.defaultTextFormat 	= textFormat;
				tf.wordWrap		= true;
				tf.multiline		= false;
				tf.autoSize		= TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
				tf.y 			= currentTargetNextY;
				var futureTextFieldW:Number;
				var tfy:Number;
				if(currentTargetNextY < 0)
					tfy		= Math.abs(tf.y);
					futureTextFieldW= Math.sqrt((defaultCircleSize * defaultCircleSize) - (tfy * tfy));
					tfy		= Math.abs(tf.y + defaultLineHeight);
					futureTextFieldW= Math.sqrt((defaultCircleSize * defaultCircleSize) - (tfy * tfy));
				tf.width		= (futureTextFieldW * 2) - defaultMargin;
				tf.x 			= -tf.width / 2; // centers the textfield (x) 		= + Math.floor(tf.width);
				currentTargetNextY 	+= defaultLineHeight;
		private function enterText(input:String):void
			currentTarget = textFields[currentTargetIndex] as TextField;
			for(var i:Number = 0; i < input.length; i += 1)
				if(currentTarget.textWidth + (defaultMargin * 5) > currentTarget.width )
					if(input.substring(i, i + 1) == " ")
						if(currentTargetIndex < textFields.length - 1)
							currentTargetIndex += 1;
							currentTarget = textFields[currentTargetIndex] as TextField;
							if(autoSize == true)
								trace("Restarting, not enough space");
							difference = input.length - placedChars;
							if(defaultAnimate == true)
				// look for a line break, add a new textfield and delete the %newline% from the inputtext
				if(input.substring(i, i + 9) == "%newline%")
					trace("found newline");
					currentTargetIndex += 1;
					currentTarget = textFields[currentTargetIndex] as TextField;
					input = input.substring(0, i) + input.substring(i + 9, input.length);		
				if(i == input.length)
					for(var x:Number = 0; i < textFields.length; i +=1)
						if(textFields[x].text.length == 1)
							removeChildAt(x + 1);
				currentTarget.appendText(input.substring(i, i + 1)); // add 1 character to the textfield
				placedChars += 1;
				currentTarget.multiline = false;
		private function restart(input:String):void
			defaultCircleSize += defaultMargin;
		private function animate():void
			trace("starting animation");
			circleSprite.scaleY = .8;
			circleSprite.scaleX = .8;
			for(var i:Number = 0; i < textFields.length + 1; i += 1)
				var target:Object = getChildAt(i);
				target.alpha = 0;
				Tweener.addTween(target, {
					alpha: 1,
					delay: .5 / i,
					time: 1.5 / i,
					transition: "easeInBack" });
			Tweener.addTween(circleSprite, {
				alpha: defaultBackgroundAlpha, delay: .2, time: .5, transition: "easeOutBack" });
			Tweener.addTween(circleSprite, {
				scaleX: 1, delay: .2, time: .5, transition: "easeOutBack" });
			Tweener.addTween(circleSprite, {
				scaleY: 1, delay: .19, time: .49, transition: "easeInBack" });

以上是关于ActionScript 3 圆形文本字段的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

ActionScript 3 自动更改文本大小以适合文本字段

ActionScript 3 查找和更改变量或文本字段中的文本

ActionScript 3 将选择设置为文本字段

ActionScript 3 文本和字段格式

ActionScript 3 限制文本字段中的行

ActionScript 3 文本字段的默认样式表