powershell Sitecore网站部署脚本



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了powershell Sitecore网站部署脚本相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Deployments made easy.  Calls webdeploy, to automate deployments.  It also calls the sitecore deserialization methods (via a page in your project)  to update content, and then publishes (optional)
-packageFile        <required> Full path to package file 
-targetServer       <required> Webdeploy service url 
-userName           <optional> Username for remote server
-password           <optional> Password for remore user
-parametersFile     <required> Full path to environment settings file
-publishServerUrl   <optional> Base url of CM instance - required if publish is enabled
-noPublish          <optional> Supress call to publish content after deploy
-whatif             <optional> Run webdeploy test - shows which files will be affected, publishing is also supressed

Simply deployments for sitecore.  Deploys via web deploy to remote servers.  Deployments depending on configuration can be administrator or non-administrator deploys. 

Once package is deployed, the serialization methods to deserialize from files is run.  Typically this will be $serverUrl/sitecore/admin/deserialize.aspx and also a call to publish the updated content.

.PARAMETER packageFile
The web deploy package file - created with msbuild with the package option setup.

.PARAMETER targetServer

The web deploy service url - if you are using admin deployment url is typically <host>:8172/msdeploy.axd
If using a non admin account name for deployment, you need to include the IIS name - <host>:8172/msdeploy.axd?site='Default Website'

.PARAMETER parametersFile

SetParameters.xml customised for your specific environment. See webdeploy/msbuild for details to create these file(s).


The user name for the remote deploy

.PARAMETER password

The password for the remote deploy user.

.PARAMETER publishServerUrl

This should be the base url to the home page of your CM instance - eg http(s)://test.think.eu/

.PARAMETER noPublish
If publish is not required (eg need to deploy to multiple servers before publish) specify this.  Eg deployment to CD servers (Web1&web2) may not need publish until you run this package against the CM instance

Run webdeploy in it's test mode - check output for what WILL be deployed.  If not supplied changes will be applied to destination server.


.\deploy.ps1 -packageFile "c:\deploy\project.zip" -targetServer "https://server1:8172/msdeploy.axd?site='default website'" -userName nonAdminDeploy -password Pa$$w0rd -publishServerUrl "http://cms.server/" -whatif

Run to verify which files will be updated/added/removed on destination server, files are not actually modified.  No publishing or  deserializing will be done.


.\deploy.ps1 -packageFile "c:\deploy\project.zip" -targetServer "https://server1:8172/msdeploy.axd?site='default website'" -userName nonAdminDeploy -password Pa$$w0rd -publishServerUrl "http://cms.server/" -noPublish

Update, add, remove files on destination server.  No publishing or deserializing will be done.


.\deploy.ps1 -packageFile "c:\deploy\project.zip" -targetServer "https://cms.server:8172/msdeploy.axd?site='default website'" -userName nonAdminDeploy -password Pa$$w0rd -publishServerUrl "http://cms.server/"

Update, add, remove files on destination server.  Deserialization and publishing will be done
	[string] $packageFile,

	[string] $targetServer,
	[string] $parametersFile,
	[string] $userName,
	[string] $password,
	[string] $publishServerUrl,
	[switch] $noPublish,

	[switch] $whatif,
	[switch] $help
# Functions
function VerboseMessage([string]$message)
	Write-verbose $message

function WebDeploy
	Write-host "Web deploy"
	$msdeployPath = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\*\' -name "InstallPath").InstallPath
	if($msdeployPath -eq ""){
		Write-error "MSdeploy is not installed on this machine."
	VerboseMessage "msdeploy found at $msdeployPath"

	$whatifparam = ""
	if($whatif -eq $true)
		VerboseMessage "Adding -whatif"
		$whatifparam = " -whatif"
	$verbose = ""
		VerboseMessage "Adding -verbose"
		$verbose = "-verbose"

	$msdeployCommand=$msdeployPath +"msdeploy.exe" 
	VerboseMessage "MSDEPLOY: $msdeployCommand"
	$msdeployArgs = "-source:package='$packageFile' -dest:auto,wmsvc='$targetServer',userName='$userName',password='$password',authtype='basic',includeAcls='$false' -verb:sync -disableLink:AppPoolExtension  -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='Layouts' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='App_Data' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='Temp' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='filePath',absolutepath='Temp' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='sitecore' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='filePath',absolutepath='sitecore' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='sitecore modules' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='upload' -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='filePath',absolutepath='upload' -allowuntrusted  -skip:skipaction='Delete',objectname='dirPath',absolutepath='sitecore_files' -setParamFile:$parametersFile $whatifParam $verbose" 

	VerboseMessage "Full command: $msdeployCommand" 
	VerboseMessage "Full arguments: $msdeployArgs" 
	write-host "---- Webdeploy begin -----" -foregroundcolor Green
	write-host ""

	$process = (Start-Process -wait -passthru -nonewwindow -FilePath $msdeployCommand $msdeployArgs)
	write-host ""

	VerboseMessage("Webdeploy exit code " + $process.ExitCode)
	if($process.ExitCode -ne 0)
		write-error -Message "Web deploy did not complete successfully.  Please review and rectify the problem." 
	write-host "---- Webdeploy done -----"  -foregroundcolor Green

function Deserialize {
	if(($whatif -eq $true) -or ($noPublish -eq $true))
		write-host "Skipping deseralize and publish due to whatif/noPublish detected" -foregroundcolor:yellow

	Write-host "Deserialis(z)e All."
	$deserialise = "$publishServerUrl/deployment/DeserializeAll"
	VerboseMessage $deserialise
	Get-WebPage $deserialise

	Write-host "Publishing"
	$publish = "$publishServerUrl/deployment/Publish"

	VerboseMessage $publish
	Get-WebPage $publish

	write-host "All Done"

function CheckParams ($helpPath) {
	$showHelp = $false
	if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($packageFile)) -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($targetServer)))
		$showHelp = $true

	#if not set to publish publishServerUrl is optional.
	if(($noPublish -eq $true) -or ($whatif -eq $true) )
		#nothing to display
		$showHelp = $true;
	if($showHelp -eq $true)
		write-host ""
		write-host "Incorrect usage/missing parameters.  See below for further details." -foregroundcolor Red
		write-host ""
		get-help $helpPath -examples

# END Functions

	get-help $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path

CheckParams $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path

# Framework initialization
$scriptRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path $myInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ";$scriptRoot\Framework"

# Import the webutils powercore cmdlet
Import-Module WebUtils\WebUtils

Quick deploy to various environments.

Calls deploy.ps1 with relevant arguments for repeatable deployments.


Specify the environment to deploy to.  Currently supports "Dev-CMS" and "Dev-CD"


Test the deploy will work, and which files may be affected

.PARAMETER noPublish

Do a deploy, but will skip the final step of deserializing and publishing

	[string] $deployTo = "UKB_Dev_CMS",
	[switch] $TestDeploy,
	[switch] $noPublish,

# Web Deploy Username and Password
#$username = "Deploy"
#$password = "Udish.Quaft7"

$devdatabase = "{databaseIP/name}"
$devdatabaseUsername = "{databaseusername}"
$devdatabasePassword = "{databasepassword}"

$siteID = "{EnvironmentSite}"

$targetHost = ""
$paramsFile = ""
if($deployTo -eq "CMS")
	$paramsFile = "{ParameterFile}.SetParameters.xml"
	$targetHost = ""
elseif($deployTo -eq "CDS")
	$paramsFile = "{ParameterFile}.SetParameters.xml"
	$targetHost = ""
	$noPublish = $True # It should be disabled via IIS permissions anyway

$path = split-path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
write-host "Path: $path" 

$deployParams = "-packageFile $path\Think.UKB.Portal.Web.zip -targetServer https://"+ $targetHost +":8172/msdeploy.axd?site=$siteID -parametersFile $path\$paramsFile -userName $username -password $password -publishServerUrl http://$targetHost -verbose"

if($TestDeploy -eq $true){
	$deployParams = "$deployParams -whatif"
if($noPublish -eq $true){
	$deployParams = "$deployParams -noPublish"

write-host $deployParams -foregroundcolor yellow

invoke-expression "$path\deploy.ps1 $deployParams"

write-host "Migrating DB" -foregroundcolor yellow

invoke-expression "$path\Migrations\migrate.ps1 -Server $devdatabase -Database UKB -Username $devdatabaseUsername -Password $devdatabasePassword -MigrationsDir ApplicationMigrations -Maximum"

以上是关于powershell Sitecore网站部署脚本的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


powershell 安装Sitecore 9

如何从 Azure DevOps 中的部署后批准/部署后门调用 Powershell 脚本


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