powershell Active Directory实用程序功能



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了powershell Active Directory实用程序功能相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# List of all servernames we want to work with
$tslist = @(
# Just a little reminder
function HelpCustom {
	Write-Host "HelpCustom                    - Show this help"
	Write-Host "GetUser  <user name>          - Get user AD info. May contain wildcards (*)"
	Write-Host "GetTel  <user name>           - Get users phone number from AD. May contain wildcards (*)"
	Write-Host "SetStandardPass <user name>   - Set 'P4ssw0rd' as user pass. May contain wildcards (*)"
	Write-Host "ResetPass <user name>         - Set users password to 'WelkomXX'. May contain wildcards (*)"
	Write-Host "GetUserStatus <login name>    - Get user session status. May contain trailing wildcards (*)"
	Write-Host "ForceLogoff <login name>      - Force user to be logged off. May _NOT_ contain wildcards (*)"
# Look for users in Active Directory by name
function GetUser([String]$search) {
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		dsquery user -name $search
# Get phone number from Active Directory
function GetTel([String]$search) {
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		$res = dsquery user -name $search
		dsget user -tel $res
# Set a standard password for new accounts
function SetStandardPass([String]$search) {
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		$res = dsquery user -name $search
		dsmod user -pwd P4ssw0rd $res
# Set a randomly generated password
function ResetPass([String] $search) {
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		$res = dsquery user -name $search
		$suffix = Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 99
		$newpass = "Welkom$suffix"
		dsmod user -pwd $newpass $res
		Write-Host "Set password to $newpass"
# Check if a user is logged in and which terminal server he's on
function GetUserStatus([String] $search) {	
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		foreach($ts in $tslist) {
			$res = Invoke-Expression -Command "quser.exe /SERVER:$ts" | Select-String -pattern "$search"
			if($res) {
				Write-Host $ts
				Write-Host $res
# Force the logoff of a user
function ForceLogoff([String] $search) {	
	if(-not($search)) {
		Write-Host "Must provide a user name."
	} else {
		foreach($ts in $tslist) {
			Invoke-Expression -Command "quser.exe /SERVER:$ts" | Select-String "\s+($search)\s+(rdp-tcp#[0-9]{0,7}){0,1}\s+(.+?)\s+" |
				ForEach-Object {
					$usr = $_.matches[0].Groups[1].value
					$id = $_.matches[0].Groups[3].value
					Write-Host "Logging off $usr on $ts with session-id $id"
					Invoke-Expression -Command "logoff.exe /SERVER:$ts $id"
					Write-Host "Done"

以上是关于powershell Active Directory实用程序功能的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

powershell PowerShell:列出Active Directory子网

powershell PowerShell:备份Active Directory组策略#PowerShell#ActiveDirecoty

powershell 使用powershell添加Active Directory组成员

powershell PowerShell:Active Directory中的操作系统计数

powershell PowerShell:按收件人类型交换Active Directory查询

powershell PowerShell:从Active Directory获取计算机的上次登录时间