# IsMember.ps1
# PowerShell program to check security group membership in Active Directory.
# Author: Richard Mueller
# PowerShell Version 1.0
# July 5, 2011
# Hash table of security principals and their security group memberships.
$GroupList = @{}
Function IsMember
# Function to check if $ADObject is a member of security group $GroupName.
# Check if security group memberships for this principal have been determined.
If ($GroupList.ContainsKey($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + '\') -eq $False)
# Memberships need to be determined for this principal. Add "pre-Windows 2000"
# name to the hash table.
$GroupList.Add($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + '\', $True)
# Retrieve tokenGroups attribute of principal, which is operational.
$SIDs = $ADObject.psbase.Properties.Item('tokenGroups')
# Populate hash table with security group memberships.
ForEach ($Value In $SIDs)
$SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $Value, 0
# Translate into "pre-Windows 2000" name.
$Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
$GroupList.Add($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() `
+ '\' + $Group.Value.Split('\')[1], $True)
# Check if $ADObject is a member of $GroupName.
If ($GroupList.ContainsKey($ADObject.sAMAccountName.ToString() + '\' + $GroupName))
Return $True
Return $False
# Bind to the user object in Active Directory.
$Searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.Filter = '(&(objectCategory=person)(anr=a9316143))'
$Searcher.SearchRoot = 'LDAP://OU=Organisatie,DC=ins-dev,DC=local'
$LDAP = $Searcher.FindOne() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
$User = [ADSI]"$LDAP"
# Bind to the computer object in Active Directory.
#$Computer = [ADSI]'LDAP://cn=TestComputer,ou=Sales,dc=MyDomain,dc=com'
If (IsMember $User 'GAP_VAX_Mozilla_Firefox')
'User ' + $User.sAMAccountName + ' is a member of group GAP_VAX_Mozilla_Firefox'
If (IsMember $User 'Domain Users' -eq $True)
'User ' + $User.sAMAccountName + ' is a member of group Domain Users'