1. Generate vra-businessgroups.json by running the following cloudclient command
./cloudclient.bat vra businessgroup list --export D:\vRAExports\vra-businessgroups.json --format "JSON"
2. Configure the variables and run this script to generate businessgroup-cloudclient-commands.ps1
3. Get a replace all of the machine prefix Ids in businessgroup-cloudclient-commands.ps1 with ones obtained from the new server
./cloudclient.bat vra machineprefix -list
4. Run businessgroup-cloudclient-commands.ps1
#region Variables
$cloudClientPath = "D:\cloudclient\bin\cloudclient.bat"
$busunessGroupJsonFile = "vra-businessgroups.json"
$businessGroupScriptFile = "businessgroup-cloudclient-commands.ps1"
#region functions
function Format-Users($users){
if ($users){
return $users -join ","
#region main
$businessGroups = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($busunessGroupJsonFile)" | ConvertFrom-Json
$outFile = @()
foreach ($item in $businessGroups.Items){
$params = @(
"--name '" + $($item.Name) + "'"
#Id AD Container is empty give it the value of None
#In the UI this is not a mandetory field but CloudClient thinks it is
if ($item.ActiveDirectoryContainer){
"--adContainer '" + $($item.ActiveDirectoryContainer) + "'"
else {
"--adContainer 'None'"
"--email '" + $($item.AdministratorEmail) + "'"
"--machinePrefixId '" + $($item.MachinePrefixId) + "'"
#If any of the below are empty, do not include the switch in $params
if ($item.Administrators){
"--admins '" + $(Format-Users($item.Administrators)) + "'"
if ($item.Support){
"--support '" + $(Format-Users($item.Support)) + "'"
if ($item.Users){
"--users '" + $(Format-Users($item.Users)) + "'"
#Build each command and add it to the $outFile array
$outFile += 'Invoke-Expression -Command "' + $($cloudClientPath) + ' vra businessgroup add ' + $($params) +'"'
#Build the script file
$outFile | Set-Content -Path "$($businessGroupScriptFile)"
#end region