#Add the SharePoint snapin
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ea SilentlyContinue
#set the web url and the list name to work upon
$url = "http://spsvde001/tools/cats"
$listName = "CATS Items"
$id = 16452
#Get the appropriate list from the web
$web = get-SPWeb $url
$list = $web.lists[$listName]
#Get the file using the filename
$item = $list.Items | ? {$_.ID -eq $id}
$author = $item["Author"].tostring()
$created = $item["Created"]
$modified = $item["Editor"].tostring()
$modifiedDate = $item["Modified"] -f "dd-MM-yyyy"
#Print out current Created by and Created date
write-host "item created by $author on $created"
#Print out current Modified by and Modified date
write-host "item last modified by $modified on $modifiedDate"
#Set the modified on values
$dateToStore = Get-Date "2/25/2015"
$item["Modified"] = $dateToStore
#Store changes without overwriting the existing Modified details.