Dim CON As Variant, NewSERVER As String, OldSERVER As String, SvrConAVAL As Integer
If MsgBox("The action will requir you to have both, New & Old Server Name!", vbYesNo, "Server Name Confirm?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
OldSERVER = InputBox("Please enter the new server name:", "New Server", "")
NewSERVER = InputBox("Please enter the new server name:", "New Server", "")
For Each CON In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
CON.OLEDBConnection.Connection = Replace(CON.OLEDBConnection.Connection, OldSERVER, NewSERVER)
Next CON
End Sub
Dim CON As Variant, NewSERVER As String, OldSERVER As String
NewSERVER = ""
OldSERVER = ""
For Each CON In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
CON.OLEDBConnection.Connection = Replace(CON.OLEDBConnection.Connection, OldSERVER, NewSERVER)
Next CON
End Sub