vbscript 各种自定义代码片段 - 有关详细信息,请参阅注释



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了vbscript 各种自定义代码片段 - 有关详细信息,请参阅注释相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

***Set a datafilter on a control using the current folder***

Dim SectionFolderID As Integer

SectionFolderID = CurrentNode.Data.Property_F_ID
Dim DataFilter As New CMS_API.Data.DataFilterExpression("", CMS_API.Data.DataFilterFunction.Custom, "(Property_F_ID LIKE " & SectionFolderID & ")")


  'add a script at the end of the body tag
CurrentContext.Page.Scripts.Add("/NewGenerationSite/j/eventsjs.js", ScriptLocation.BodyEnd);

  // code for collapsing a placeholder based on whether there are subtemplates or text inside it.

if Control.controls.count = 0 andalso (value = "" OrElse value= "[add mini-templates here]") then
sideColumn.visible = false
mainColumn.attributes("class")= mainColumn.attributes("class") & " sys_col1-expanded"
response.write("has controls")
end if
exit sub

///### THis first one works ###///
If Control.controls.count = 0 then
                If value.trim.toLower.indexof("[add … here]") > -1 Or StripHTML(HttpUtility.HTMLDecode(value).trim).length = 0 Or StripHTML(value).trim() = " " then
                                Control.Parent.visible = false
                End If
End If

If Control.controls.count = 0 then
    If value.trim.toLower.indexof("[add content here]") > -1 Or StripHTML(HttpUtility.HTMLDecode(value).trim).length = 0 then
        Control.visible = false
    End If
End If

If Control.controls.count = 0 then
        If value.indexof("<img") = -1 then
                If StripHTML(HttpUtility.HTMLDecode(value).trim).length = 0 then
                        Control.visible = false
                        If value.trim.toLower.indexof("insert a link") > -1 then
                        Control.visible = false
                        End If
            End If
        End If
End If

// code for hiding divs (set div to runat="server" first!)

{name of div ID here}.visible = false


//Code for adding Javascript files 



//jQuery R8




//Add javascript just before the closing body tag

//Code for adding stylesheets in custom code


// If statement based on current page id

if me.ContentId {= < > etc} 1 then
[do something]
end if

//for example;

if me.ContentId <> 1 then
TitleBar.text = TitleBar.text & " -Page Title"
end if

** "else" and "elseif" can also be used. Not is done by using "if not"


'Add conditional CSS files to head
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<!--[if lte IE 7]>" & Environment.Newline
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""/SiteElements/Styles/901-ie7.css"" />" & Environment.Newline
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<![endif]-->" & Environment.Newline
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<!--[if lte IE 9]>" & Environment.Newline
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""SiteElements/Javascript/compat.js""></script>" & Environment.Newline
    ContensisHeader.Text += "<![endif]-->" & Environment.Newline

// Text in footer?

FooterLit.Text = "<scr" & "ipt type=""text/javascript"" src=""/SiteElements/Javascripts/fixpng.js""></scr" & "ipt><noscript>Warning: png images may not display correctly as your browser does not support JavaScript.</noscript>"


'Add responsive meta tag thingy

    ContensisHeader.Text += "<meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1"">" & Environment.Newline

          // LANGUAGE Selection

'Customised Language Toggle Link
Dim contentId As Integer = Property_c_id
Dim url As String = ""

    'If on en page
'    If Property_PageLanguageId = 1 Then
'        LanguageToggleHyperlink.Text = "Cymraeg"
'        Dim navProvider As CMS_API.Navigation.NavigationProvider = CMS_API.Navigation.NavigationProviderFactory.GetNavigationProvider(CMS_API.Navigation.NavigationProviderType.Xml)
'        Dim navContent As CMS_API.Navigation.INavigationContent = CType(navProvider.GetItemByDatabaseID(contentId, CMS_API.Navigation.NavigationItemTypes.Webpage), CMS_API.Navigation.INavigationContent)
'        if navContent.SlaveNavigationContentList.count > 0 then
'            url = navContent.SlaveNavigationContentList(0).Url
'            LanguageToggleHyperlink.NavigateUrl = url
'        end if
'    Else If Property_PageLanguageId = 8 Then
'            LanguageToggleHyperlink.Text = "English"
'            Dim navXmlHelper As CMS_API.Utilities.NavigationXMLHelper = CMS_API.Utilities.NavigationXMLHelper.Instance
'            Dim xmlId As String = navXmlHelper.GetElementXmlId(contentId, CMS_API.Utilities.NavigationXMLHelper.MenuType.pageitem)
'            Dim masterContentID As Integer = navXmlHelper.GetElementMasterContentId(xmlId)
'            url = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CMS_API.Utilities.NavigationXMLHelper.Instance.GetPagePath(masterContentID))
'            LanguageToggleHyperlink.NavigateUrl = url
            'Search redirect
'            SearchQueryControl.resultsurlwebpageid = 23522
'    End If
'Catch Ex As Exception
    'Toggle link uses default setting and goes to cy homepage
'End Try

以上是关于vbscript 各种自定义代码片段 - 有关详细信息,请参阅注释的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

vbscript 用于将标题添加到标题的自定义代码

vbscript 使用WebApi在自定义代码中添加ie样式表



