Function rng_copy_to(r11, c11, c12, r21, c21, c22, sh_from, Optional r12 = "", Optional r22 = "", Optional sh = "")
If sh = "" Then sh = ActiveSheet.Name
If r12 = "" Then r12 = r11
If r22 = "" Then r22 = r21
atmp = Sheets(sh_from).Range(c11 & r11 & ":" & c12 & r12)
Sheets(sh).Range(c21 & r21 & ":" & c22 & r22) = atmp
End Function
Sub replace_group()
relpace_all "", "", "data1"
End Sub
Function relpace_all(str1, str2, Optional sh1 = "")
If sh = "" Then sh = ActiveSheet.Name
For i = 2 To euc
Rows(i).replace str1, str2
End Function
Sub replace_lookup1()
replace_lookup2 ,,,
End Sub
Function replace_lookup2(col1, col2, str1, str2, Optional times = 1, Optional sh1 = "")
If sh = "" Then sh = ActiveSheet.Name
For i = 2 To Sheets(sh1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).row
If Cells(i, col1) = str1 Then
Cells(i, col2) = str2
If times = 1 Then Exit For
End If
End Function