import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from "rxjs/Observable";
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
import {AbstractControl, ValidationErrors} from "@angular/forms";
export class SsnValidatorService {
constructor() { }
/** This function can be used by form controls in a way prescribed in Angular doc
checkWorkAuthorization(field: AbstractControl):Observable<ValidationErrors | null>{
// in the real world you'd make an HTTP call to server to check if the value is valid
return Observable.of(field.value.indexOf('123') >=0 ? null: {work: " you're not authorized to work"});
This function is returns validation in the format prescribed by Angular validation API.,
But this function can't be attached to the form control as a validator.
Invoke it using the switchmap/subscribe combo (see app.component.ts)
checkWorkAuthorizationV2(ssn: string):Observable<ValidationErrors | null>{
// in the real world you'd make an HTTP call to server to check if the value is valid
return Observable.of(ssn.indexOf('123') >=0 ? null: {cash: " - you can only work for cash"});
/* checkWorkAuthorizationV2(ssn: string):Observable<ValidationErrors | null>{
// in the real world you'd make an HTTP call to server
// to check if the value is valid
return Observable.create(observer => {
ssn.indexOf('123') >=0 ?{cash: "you can only work for cash"});
// observer.complete();