JavaScript Aeron Glemamn Calendar.js修复了IE9对Mootools 1.2.4
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了JavaScript Aeron Glemamn Calendar.js修复了IE9对Mootools 1.2.4相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
// Calendar: a Javascript class for Mootools that adds accessible and unobtrusive date pickers to your form elements <>
// Calendar RC4, Copyright (c) 2007 Aeron Glemann <>, MIT Style License.
// Mootools 1.2 compatibility by Davorin Ã… ego
var Calendar = new Class({
Implements: Options,
options: {
blocked: [], // blocked dates
classes: [], // ['calendar', 'prev', 'next', 'month', 'year', 'today', 'invalid', 'valid', 'inactive', 'active', 'hover', 'hilite']
days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], // days of the week starting at sunday
direction: 0, // -1 past, 0 past + future, 1 future
draggable: true,
months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
navigation: 1, // 0 = no nav; 1 = single nav for month; 2 = dual nav for month and year
offset: 0, // first day of the week: 0 = sunday, 1 = monday, etc..
onHideStart: Class.empty,
onHideComplete: Class.empty,
onShowStart: Class.empty,
onShowComplete: Class.empty,
pad: 1, // padding between multiple calendars
tweak: {x: 0, y: 0} // tweak calendar positioning
// initialize: calendar constructor
// @param obj (obj) a js object containing the form elements and format strings { id: 'format', id: 'format' etc }
// @param props (obj) optional properties
initialize: function(obj, options) {
// basic error checking
if (!obj) { return false; }
// create our classes array
var keys = ['calendar', 'prev', 'next', 'month', 'year', 'today', 'invalid', 'valid', 'inactive', 'active', 'hover', 'hilite'];
var values =, i) {
if (this.options.classes[i]) {
if (this.options.classes[i].length) { key = this.options.classes[i]; }
return key;
}, this);
this.classes = values.associate(keys);
// create cal element with css styles required for proper cal functioning
this.calendar = new Element('div', {
'styles': { left: '-1000px', opacity: 0, position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', zIndex: 1000 }
// iex 6 needs a transparent iframe underneath the calendar in order to not allow select elements to render through
if (window.ie6) {
this.iframe = new Element('iframe', {
'styles': { left: '-1000px', position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', zIndex: 999 }
}).injectInside(document.body); = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)';
// initialize fade method
this.fx = new Fx.Tween(this.calendar, {
onStart: function() {
if (this.calendar.getStyle('opacity') == 0) { // show
if (window.ie6) { this.iframe.setStyle('display', 'block'); }
this.calendar.setStyle('display', 'block');
this.fireEvent('onShowStart', this.element);
else { // hide
this.fireEvent('onHideStart', this.element);
onComplete: function() {
if (this.calendar.getStyle('opacity') == 0) { // hidden
this.calendar.setStyle('display', 'none');
if (window.ie6) { this.iframe.setStyle('display', 'none'); }
this.fireEvent('onHideComplete', this.element);
else { // shown
this.fireEvent('onShowComplete', this.element);
// initialize drag method
if (window.Drag && this.options.draggable) {
this.drag = new Drag.Move(this.calendar, {
onDrag: function() {
if (window.ie6) { this.iframe.setStyles({ left:, top: }); }
// create calendars array
this.calendars = [];
var id = 0;
var d = new Date(); // today
d.setDate(d.getDate() + this.options.direction.toInt()); // correct today for directional offset
for (var i in obj) {
var cal = {
button: new Element('a', { 'type': 'button' }),
el: $(i),
els: [],
id: id++,
month: d.getMonth(),
visible: false,
year: d.getFullYear()
// fix for bad element (naughty, naughty element!)
if (!this.element(i, obj[i], cal)) { continue; }
// create cal button
cal.button.addClass(this.classes.calendar).addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.toggle(cal); }.pass(cal, this)).injectAfter(cal.el);
// read in default value
cal.val =;
$extend(cal, this.bounds(cal)); // abs bounds of calendar
$extend(cal, this.values(cal)); // valid days, months, years
this.calendars.push(cal); // add to cals array
// blocked: returns an array of blocked days for the month / year
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns blocked days (array)
blocked: function(cal) {
var blocked = [];
var offset = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, 1).getDay(); // day of the week (offset)
var last = new Date(cal.year, cal.month + 1, 0).getDate(); // last day of this month
var values = date.split(' ');
// preparation
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
if (!values[i]){ values[i] = (i == 3) ? '' : '*'; } // make sure blocked date contains values for at least d, m and y
values[i] = values[i].contains(',') ? values[i].split(',') : new Array(values[i]); // split multiple values
var count = values[i].length - 1;
for (var j = count; j >= 0; j--){
if (values[i][j].contains('-')){ // a range
var val = values[i][j].split('-');
for (var k = val[0]; k <= val[1]; k++){
if (!values[i].contains(k)){ values[i].push(k + ''); }
values[i].splice(j, 1);
// execution
if (values[2].contains(cal.year + '') || values[2].contains('*')){
if (values[1].contains(cal.month + 1 + '') || values[1].contains('*')){
values[0].each(function(val){ // if blocked value indicates this month / year
if (val > 0){ blocked.push(val.toInt()); } // add date to blocked array
if (values[3]){ // optional value for day of week
for (var i = 0; i < last; i++){
var day = (i + offset) % 7;
if (values[3].contains(day + '')){
blocked.push(i + 1); // add every date that corresponds to the blocked day of the week to the blocked array
}, this);
return blocked;
// bounds: returns the start / end bounds of the calendar
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns obj
bounds: function(cal) {
// 1. first we assume the calendar has no bounds (or a thousand years in either direction)
// by default the calendar will accept a millennium in either direction
var start = new Date(1000, 0, 1); // jan 1, 1000
var end = new Date(2999, 11, 31); // dec 31, 2999
// 2. but if the cal is one directional we adjust accordingly
var date = new Date().getDate() + this.options.direction.toInt();
if (this.options.direction > 0) {
start = new Date();
start.setDate(date + this.options.pad *;
if (this.options.direction < 0) {
end = new Date();
end.setDate(date - this.options.pad * (this.calendars.length - - 1));
// 3. then we can further filter the limits by using the pre-existing values in the selects
cal.els.each(function(el) {
if (el.get('tag') == 'select') {
if (el.format.test('(y|Y)')) { // search for a year select
var years = [];
el.getChildren().each(function(option) { // get options
var values = this.unformat(option.value, el.format);
if (!years.contains(values[0])) { years.push(values[0]); } // add to years array
}, this);
if (years[0] > start.getFullYear()) {
d = new Date(years[0], start.getMonth() + 1, 0); // last day of new month
if (start.getDate() > d.getDate()) { start.setDate(d.getDate()); }
if (years.getLast() < end.getFullYear()) {
d = new Date(years.getLast(), end.getMonth() + 1, 0); // last day of new month
if (end.getDate() > d.getDate()) { end.setDate(d.getDate()); }
if (el.format.test('(F|m|M|n)')) { // search for a month select
var months_start = [];
var months_end = [];
el.getChildren().each(function(option) { // get options
var values = this.unformat(option.value, el.format);
if ($type(values[0]) != 'number' || values[0] == years[0]) { // if it's a year / month combo for curr year, or simply a month select
if (!months_start.contains(values[1])) { months_start.push(values[1]); } // add to months array
if ($type(values[0]) != 'number' || values[0] == years.getLast()) { // if it's a year / month combo for curr year, or simply a month select
if (!months_end.contains(values[1])) { months_end.push(values[1]); } // add to months array
}, this);
if (months_start[0] > start.getMonth()) {
d = new Date(start.getFullYear(), months_start[0] + 1, 0); // last day of new month
if (start.getDate() > d.getDate()) { start.setDate(d.getDate()); }
if (months_end.getLast() < end.getMonth()) {
d = new Date(start.getFullYear(), months_end.getLast() + 1, 0); // last day of new month
if (end.getDate() > d.getDate()) { end.setDate(d.getDate()); }
}, this);
return { 'start': start, 'end': end };
// caption: returns the caption element with header and navigation
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns caption (element)
caption: function(cal) {
// start by assuming navigation is allowed
var navigation = {
prev: { 'month': true, 'year': true },
next: { 'month': true, 'year': true }
// if we're in an out of bounds year
if (cal.year == cal.start.getFullYear()) {
navigation.prev.year = false;
if (cal.month == cal.start.getMonth() && this.options.navigation == 1) {
navigation.prev.month = false;
if (cal.year == cal.end.getFullYear()) { = false;
if (cal.month == cal.end.getMonth() && this.options.navigation == 1) { = false;
// special case of improved navigation but months array with only 1 month we can disable all month navigation
if ($type(cal.months) == 'array') {
if (cal.months.length == 1 && this.options.navigation == 2) {
navigation.prev.month = = false;
var caption = new Element('caption');
var prev = new Element('a').addClass(this.classes.prev).appendText('\x3c'); // <
var next = new Element('a').addClass('\x3e'); // >
if (this.options.navigation == 2) {
var month = new Element('span').addClass(this.classes.month).injectInside(caption);
if (navigation.prev.month) { prev.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'm', -1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(month); }
month.adopt(new Element('span').appendText(this.options.months[cal.month]));
if ( { next.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'm', 1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(month); }
var year = new Element('span').addClass(this.classes.year).injectInside(caption);
if (navigation.prev.year) { prev.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'y', -1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(year); }
year.adopt(new Element('span').appendText(cal.year));
if ( { next.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'y', 1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(year); }
else { // 1 or 0
if (navigation.prev.month && this.options.navigation) { prev.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'm', -1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(caption); }
caption.adopt(new Element('span').addClass(this.classes.month).appendText(this.options.months[cal.month]));
caption.adopt(new Element('span').addClass(this.classes.year).appendText(cal.year));
if ( && this.options.navigation) { next.clone().addEvent('click', function(cal) { this.navigate(cal, 'm', 1); }.pass(cal, this)).injectInside(caption); }
return caption;
// changed: run when a select value is changed
// @param cal (obj)
changed: function(cal) {
cal.val =; // update calendar val from inputs
$extend(cal, this.values(cal)); // update bounds - based on curr month
this.rebuild(cal); // rebuild days select
if (!cal.val) { return; } // in case the same date was clicked the cal has no set date we should exit
if (cal.val.getDate() < cal.days[0]) { cal.val.setDate(cal.days[0]); }
if (cal.val.getDate() > cal.days.getLast()) { cal.val.setDate(cal.days.getLast()); }
cal.els.each(function(el) { // then we can set the value to the field
el.value = this.format(cal.val, el.format);
}, this);
this.check(cal); // checks other cals
this.calendars.each(function(kal) { // update cal graphic if visible
if (kal.visible) { this.display(kal); }
}, this);
// check: checks other calendars to make sure no overlapping values
// @param cal (obj)
check: function(cal) {
this.calendars.each(function(kal, i) {
if (kal.val) { // if calendar has value set
var change = false;
if (i < { // preceding calendar
var bound = new Date(Date.parse(cal.val));
bound.setDate(bound.getDate() - (this.options.pad * ( - i)));
if (bound < kal.val) { change = true; }
if (i > { // following calendar
var bound = new Date(Date.parse(cal.val));
bound.setDate(bound.getDate() + (this.options.pad * (i -;
if (bound > kal.val) { change = true; }
if (change) {
if (kal.start > bound) { bound = kal.start; }
if (kal.end < bound) { bound = kal.end; }
kal.month = bound.getMonth();
kal.year = bound.getFullYear();
$extend(kal, this.values(kal));
// if new date is not valid better unset cal value
// otherwise it would mean incrementally checking to find the nearest valid date which could be months / years away
kal.val = kal.days.contains(bound.getDate()) ? bound : null;
if (kal.visible) { this.display(kal); } // update cal graphic if visible
else {
kal.month = cal.month;
kal.year = cal.year;
}, this);
// clicked: run when a valid day is clicked in the calendar
// @param cal (obj)
clicked: function(td, day, cal) {
cal.val = (this.value(cal) == day) ? null : new Date(cal.year, cal.month, day); // set new value - if same then disable
// ok - in the special case that it's all selects and there's always a date no matter what (at least as far as the form is concerned)
// we can't let the calendar undo a date selection - it's just not possible!!
if (!cal.val) { cal.val =; }
if (cal.val) {
this.check(cal); // checks other cals
this.toggle(cal); // hide cal
else { // remove active class and replace with valid
// display: create calendar element
// @param cal (obj)
display: function(cal) {
// 1. header and navigation
this.calendar.empty(); // init div
this.calendar.className = this.classes.calendar + ' ' + this.options.months[cal.month].toLowerCase();
var div = new Element('div').injectInside(this.calendar); // a wrapper div to help correct browser css problems with the caption element
var table = new Element('table').injectInside(div).adopt(this.caption(cal));
// 2. day names
var thead = new Element('thead').injectInside(table);
var tr = new Element('tr').injectInside(thead);
for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
var th = this.options.days[(i + this.options.offset) % 7];
tr.adopt(new Element('th', { 'title': th }).appendText(th.substr(0, 1)));
// 3. day numbers
var tbody = new Element('tbody').injectInside(table);
var tr = new Element('tr').injectInside(tbody);
var d = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, 1);
var offset = ((d.getDay() - this.options.offset) + 7) % 7; // day of the week (offset)
var last = new Date(cal.year, cal.month + 1, 0).getDate(); // last day of this month
var prev = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, 0).getDate(); // last day of previous month
var active = this.value(cal); // active date (if set and within curr month)
var valid = cal.days; // valid days for curr month
var inactive = []; // active dates set by other calendars
var hilited = [];
this.calendars.each(function(kal, i) {
if (kal != cal && kal.val) {
if (cal.year == kal.val.getFullYear() && cal.month == kal.val.getMonth()) { inactive.push(kal.val.getDate()); }
if (cal.val) {
for (var day = 1; day <= last; day++) {
if ((i < && d > kal.val && d < cal.val) || (i > && d > cal.val && d < kal.val)) {
if (!hilited.contains(day)) { hilited.push(day); }
}, this);
var d = new Date();
var today = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate()).getTime(); // today obv
for (var i = 1; i < 43; i++) { // 1 to 42 (6 x 7 or 6 weeks)
if ((i - 1) % 7 == 0) { tr = new Element('tr').injectInside(tbody); } // each week is it's own table row
var td = new Element('td').injectInside(tr);
var day = i - offset;
var date = new Date(cal.year, cal.month, day);
var cls = '';
if (day === active) { cls =; } // active
else if (inactive.contains(day)) { cls = this.classes.inactive; } // inactive
else if (valid.contains(day)) { cls = this.classes.valid; } // valid
else if (day >= 1 && day <= last) { cls = this.classes.invalid; } // invalid
if (date.getTime() == today) { cls = cls + ' ' +; } // adds class for today
if (hilited.contains(day)) { cls = cls + ' ' + this.classes.hilite; } // adds class if hilited
if (valid.contains(day)) { // if it's a valid - clickable - day we add interaction
td.setProperty('title', this.format(date, 'D M jS Y'));
'click': function(td, day, cal) {
this.clicked(td, day, cal);
}.pass([td, day, cal], this),
'mouseover': function(td, cls) {
}.pass([td, this.classes.hover]),
'mouseout': function(td, cls) {
}.pass([td, this.classes.hover])
// pad calendar with last days of prev month and first days of next month
if (day < 1) { day = prev + day; }
else if (day > last) { day = day - last; }
// element: helper function
// @param el (string) element id
// @param f (string) format string
// @param cal (obj)
element: function(el, f, cal) {
if ($type(f) == 'object') { // in the case of multiple inputs per calendar
for (var i in f) {
if (!this.element(i, f[i], cal)) { return false; }
return true;
el = $(el);
if (!el) { return false; }
el.format = f;
if (el.get('tag') == 'select') { // select elements allow the user to manually set the date via select option
el.addEvent('change', function(cal) { this.changed(cal); }.pass(cal, this));
else { // input (type text) elements restrict the user to only setting the date via the calendar
el.readOnly = true;
el.addEvent('focus', function(cal) { this.toggle(cal); }.pass(cal, this));
return true;
// format: formats a date object according to passed in instructions
// @param date (obj)
// @param f (string) any combination of punctuation / separators and d, j, D, l, S, m, n, F, M, y, Y
// @returns string
format: function(date, format) {
var str = '';
if (date) {
var j = date.getDate(); // 1 - 31
var w = date.getDay(); // 0 - 6
var l = this.options.days[w]; // Sunday - Saturday
var n = date.getMonth() + 1; // 1 - 12
var f = this.options.months[n - 1]; // January - December
var y = date.getFullYear() + ''; // 19xx - 20xx
for (var i = 0, len = format.length; i < len; i++) {
var cha = format.charAt(i); // format char
switch(cha) {
// year cases
case 'y': // xx - xx
y = y.substr(2);
case 'Y': // 19xx - 20xx
str += y;
// month cases
case 'm': // 01 - 12
if (n < 10) { n = '0' + n; }
case 'n': // 1 - 12
str += n;
case 'M': // Jan - Dec
f = f.substr(0, 3);
case 'F': // January - December
str += f;
// day cases
case 'd': // 01 - 31
if (j < 10) { j = '0' + j; }
case 'j': // 1 - 31
str += j;
case 'D': // Sun - Sat
l = l.substr(0, 3);
case 'l': // Sunday - Saturday
str += l;
case 'N': // 1 - 7
w += 1;
case 'w': // 0 - 6
str += w;
case 'S': // st, nd, rd or th (works well with j)
if (j % 10 == 1 && j != '11') { str += 'st'; }
else if (j % 10 == 2 && j != '12') { str += 'nd'; }
else if (j % 10 == 3 && j != '13') { str += 'rd'; }
else { str += 'th'; }
str += cha;
return str; // return format with values replaced
// navigate: calendar navigation
// @param cal (obj)
// @param type (str) m or y for month or year
// @param n (int) + or - for next or prev
navigate: function(cal, type, n) {
switch (type) {
case 'm': // month
if ($type(cal.months) == 'array') {
var i = cal.months.indexOf(cal.month) + n; // index of current month
if (i < 0 || i == cal.months.length) { // out of range
if (this.options.navigation == 1) { // if type 1 nav we'll need to increment the year
this.navigate(cal, 'y', n);
i = (i < 0) ? cal.months.length - 1 : 0;
cal.month = cal.months[i];
else {
var i = cal.month + n;
if (i < 0 || i == 12) {
if (this.options.navigation == 1) {
this.navigate(cal, 'y', n);
i = (i < 0) ? 11 : 0;
cal.month = i;
case 'y': // year
if ($type(cal.years) == 'array') {
var i = cal.years.indexOf(cal.year) + n;
cal.year = cal.years[i];
else {
cal.year += n;
$extend(cal, this.values(cal));
if ($type(cal.months) == 'array') { // if the calendar has a months select
var i = cal.months.indexOf(cal.month); // and make sure the curr months exists for the new year
if (i < 0) { cal.month = cal.months[0]; } // otherwise we'll reset the month
// read: compiles cal value based on array of inputs passed in
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns date (obj) or (null)
read: function(cal) {
var arr = [null, null, null];
cal.els.each(function(el) {
// returns an array which may contain empty values
var values = this.unformat(el.value, el.format);
values.each(function(val, i) {
if ($type(val) == 'number') { arr[i] = val; }
}, this);
// we can update the cals month and year values
if ($type(arr[0]) == 'number') { cal.year = arr[0]; }
if ($type(arr[1]) == 'number') { cal.month = arr[1]; }
var val = null;
if (arr.every(function(i) { return $type(i) == 'number'; })) { // if valid date
var last = new Date(arr[0], arr[1] + 1, 0).getDate(); // last day of month
if (arr[2] > last) { arr[2] = last; } // make sure we stay within the month (ex in case default day of select is 31 and month is feb)
val = new Date(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]);
return (cal.val == val) ? null : val; // if new date matches old return null (same date clicked twice = disable)
// rebuild: rebuilds days + months selects
// @param cal (obj)
rebuild: function(cal) {
cal.els.each(function(el) {
if (el.get('tag') == 'select' && el.format.test('^(F|m|M|n)$')) { // special case for months-only select
if (!cal.options) { cal.options = el.clone(); } // clone a copy of months select
var val = (cal.val) ? cal.val.getMonth() : el.value.toInt();
el.empty(); // initialize select
cal.months.each(function(month) {
// create an option element
var option = new Element('option', {
'selected': (val == month),
'value': this.format(new Date(1, month, 1), el.format);
}, this);
if (el.get('tag') == 'select' && el.format.test('^(d|j)$')) { // special case for days-only select
var d = this.value(cal);
if (!d) { d = el.value.toInt(); } // if the calendar doesn't have a set value, try to use value from select
el.empty(); // initialize select
cal.days.each(function(day) {
// create an option element
var option = new Element('option', {
'selected': (d == day),
'value': ((el.format == 'd' && day < 10) ? '0' + day : day)
}, this);
}, this);
// sort: helper function for numerical sorting
sort: function(a, b) {
return a - b;
// toggle: show / hide calendar
// @param cal (obj)
toggle: function(cal) {
document.removeEvent('mousedown', this.fn); // always remove the current mousedown script first
if (cal.visible) { // simply hide curr cal
cal.visible = false;
cal.button.removeClass(; // active
this.fx.start('opacity', 1, 0);
else { // otherwise show (may have to hide others)
// hide cal on out-of-bounds click
this.fn = function(e, cal) {
var e = new Event(e);
var el =;
var stop = false;
while (el != document.body && el.nodeType == 1) {
if (el == this.calendar) { stop = true; }
this.calendars.each(function(kal) {
if (kal.button == el || kal.els.contains(el)) { stop = true; }
if (stop) {
return false;
else { el = el.parentNode; }
}.create({ 'arguments': cal, 'bind': this, 'event': true });
document.addEvent('mousedown', this.fn);
this.calendars.each(function(kal) {
if (kal == cal) {
kal.visible = true;
kal.button.addClass(; // css c-icon-active
else {
kal.visible = false;
kal.button.removeClass(; // css c-icon-active
}, this);
var size = window.getScrollSize();
var coord = cal.button.getCoordinates();
var x = coord.right + this.options.tweak.x;
var y = + this.options.tweak.y;
// make sure the calendar doesn't open off screen
if (!this.calendar.coord) { this.calendar.coord = this.calendar.getCoordinates(); }
if (x + this.calendar.coord.width > size.x) { x -= (x + this.calendar.coord.width - size.x); }
if (y + this.calendar.coord.height > size.y) { y -= (y + this.calendar.coord.height - size.y); }
this.calendar.setStyles({ left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' });
if (window.ie6) {
this.iframe.setStyles({ height: this.calendar.coord.height + 'px', left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px', width: this.calendar.coord.width + 'px' });
this.fx.start('opacity', 0, 1);
// unformat: takes a value from an input and parses the d, m and y elements
// @param val (string)
// @param f (string) any combination of punctuation / separators and d, j, D, l, S, m, n, F, M, y, Y
// @returns array
unformat: function(val, f) {
f = f.escapeRegExp();
var re = {
d: '([0-9]{2})',
j: '([0-9]{1,2})',
D: '(' + { return day.substr(0, 3); }).join('|') + ')',
l: '(' + this.options.days.join('|') + ')',
S: '(st|nd|rd|th)',
F: '(' + this.options.months.join('|') + ')',
m: '([0-9]{2})',
M: '(' + { return month.substr(0, 3); }).join('|') + ')',
n: '([0-9]{1,2})',
Y: '([0-9]{4})',
y: '([0-9]{2})'
var arr = []; // array of indexes
var g = '';
// convert our format string to regexp
for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
var c = f.charAt(i);
if (re[c]) {
g += re[c];
else {
g += c;
// match against date
var matches = val.match('^' + g + '$');
var dates = new Array(3);
if (matches) {
matches = matches.slice(1); // remove first match which is the date
arr.each(function(c, i) {
i = matches[i];
switch(c) {
// year cases
case 'y':
i = '19' + i; // 2 digit year assumes 19th century (same as JS)
case 'Y':
dates[0] = i.toInt();
// month cases
case 'F':
i = i.substr(0, 3);
case 'M':
i = { return month.substr(0, 3); }).indexOf(i) + 1;
case 'm':
case 'n':
dates[1] = i.toInt() - 1;
// day cases
case 'd':
case 'j':
dates[2] = i.toInt();
}, this);
return dates;
// value: returns day value of calendar if set
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns day (int) or null
value: function(cal) {
var day = null;
if (cal.val) {
if (cal.year == cal.val.getFullYear() && cal.month == cal.val.getMonth()) { day = cal.val.getDate(); }
return day;
// values: returns the years, months (for curr year) and days (for curr month and year) for the calendar
// @param cal (obj)
// @returns obj
values: function(cal) {
var years, months, days;
cal.els.each(function(el) {
if (el.get('tag') == 'select') {
if (el.format.test('(y|Y)')) { // search for a year select
years = [];
el.getChildren().each(function(option) { // get options
var values = this.unformat(option.value, el.format);
if (!years.contains(values[0])) { years.push(values[0]); } // add to years array
}, this);
if (el.format.test('(F|m|M|n)')) { // search for a month select
months = []; // 0 - 11 should be
el.getChildren().each(function(option) { // get options
var values = this.unformat(option.value, el.format);
if ($type(values[0]) != 'number' || values[0] == cal.year) { // if it's a year / month combo for curr year, or simply a month select
if (!months.contains(values[1])) { months.push(values[1]); } // add to months array
}, this);
if (el.format.test('(d|j)') && !el.format.test('^(d|j)$')) { // search for a day select, but NOT a days only select
days = []; // 1 - 31
el.getChildren().each(function(option) { // get options
var values = this.unformat(option.value, el.format);
// in the special case of days we dont want the value if its a days only select
// otherwise that will screw up the options rebuilding
// we will take the values if they are exact dates though
if (values[0] == cal.year && values[1] == cal.month) {
if (!days.contains(values[2])) { days.push(values[2]); } // add to days array
}, this);
}, this);
// we start with what would be the first and last days were there no restrictions
var first = 1;
var last = new Date(cal.year, cal.month + 1, 0).getDate(); // last day of the month
// if we're in an out of bounds year
if (cal.year == cal.start.getFullYear()) {
// in the special case of improved navigation but no months array, we'll need to construct one
if (months == null && this.options.navigation == 2) {
months = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i ++) {
if (i >= cal.start.getMonth()) { months.push(i); }
// if we're in an out of bounds month
if (cal.month == cal.start.getMonth()) {
first = cal.start.getDate(); // first day equals day of bound
if (cal.year == cal.end.getFullYear()) {
// in the special case of improved navigation but no months array, we'll need to construct one
if (months == null && this.options.navigation == 2) {
months = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i ++) {
if (i <= cal.end.getMonth()) { months.push(i); }
if (cal.month == cal.end.getMonth()) {
last = cal.end.getDate(); // last day equals day of bound
// let's get our invalid days
var blocked = this.blocked(cal);
// finally we can prepare all the valid days in a neat little array
if ($type(days) == 'array') { // somewhere there was a days select
days = days.filter(function(day) {
if (day >= first && day <= last && !blocked.contains(day)) { return day; }
else { // no days select we'll need to construct a valid days array
days = [];
for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
if (!blocked.contains(i)) { days.push(i); }
days.sort(this.sort); // sorting our days will give us first and last of month
return { 'days': days, 'months': months, 'years': years };
// write: sets calendars value to form elements
// @param cal (obj)
write: function(cal) {
this.rebuild(cal); // in the case of options, we'll need to make sure we have the correct number of days available
cal.els.each(function(el) { // then we can set the value to the field
el.value = this.format(cal.val, el.format);
}, this);
Calendar.implement(new Events, new Options);
以上是关于JavaScript Aeron Glemamn Calendar.js修复了IE9对Mootools 1.2.4的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章