//struct that holds the set of all possible subtrings
//does this process directly in the initialization of struct
struct StringPowerSet {
let string:String
var substrs:Set<String>
self.string = string
self.substrs = Set<String>()
let length = self.string.characters.count
let chars = Array(string.characters)
//for loop to put in single characters
for elem in chars {
//repeating loop to get substrs of other sizes.
for i in 1..<length {
var substart = 0
var subend = i
//intermediate loop to cut substrs of specific sizes
while subend < length {
substart += 1
subend += 1
//checking function to determine if substr is in string in O(1) time
func hasString(string:String) -> Bool {
return self.substrs.contains(string)
let text = StringPowerSet(string:"i love apples and oranges because they are awesome")