public var kCGNullWindowID: CGWindowID { get }
/* Keys for window dictionaries. */
/* The window ID, a unique value within the user session representing the
window. The value of this key is a CFNumber 32-bit signed integer
value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowNumber: CFString
/* The backing store type of the window, one of `kCGBackingStoreRetained',
`kCGBackingStoreNonretained', or `kCGBackingStoreBuffered'. The value of
this key is a CFNumber 32-bit signed integer value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowStoreType: CFString
/* The window layer number of the window. The value of this key is a
CFNumber 32-bit signed integer value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowLayer: CFString
/* The bounds of the window in screen space, with the origin at the
upper-left corner of the main display. The value of this key is a
CFDictionary; use `CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation' to obtain the
bounds as a CGRect value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowBounds: CFString
/* The sharing state of the window, one of `kCGWindowSharingNone',
`kCGWindowSharingReadOnly', or `kCGWindowSharingReadWrite'. The value of
this key is a CFNumber 32-bit signed integer value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowSharingState: CFString
/* The alpha fade of the window. The value of this key is a CFNumber
floating-point value. The value 1.0 is normal (opaque); the value 0.0 is
fully transparent (invisible). */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowAlpha: CFString
/* The process ID of the process that owns the window. The value of this key
is a CFNumber 32-bit signed integer value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowOwnerPID: CFString
/* An estimate of the memory in bytes currently used by the window and its
supporting data structures. The value of this key is a CFNumber 64-bit
signed integer value. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowMemoryUsage: CFString
/* If present, the name of the application process which owns the window.
The value of this key is a CFString. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowOwnerName: CFString
/* If present, the name of the window. The value of this key is a
CFString. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowName: CFString
/* If present, true if the window is ordered on screen, false otherwise. If
the key is not present, then the window is not ordered on screen. The
value of this key is a CFBoolean. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowIsOnscreen: CFString
/* If present, true if the window backing store is in video memory, false
otherwise. If the key is not present, then the window backing store is in
main memory. The value of this key is a CFBoolean. */
@available(OSX 10.5, *)
public let kCGWindowBackingLocationVideoMemory: CFString