"status": 409,
"code": 409,
"responseCode": "CIMS-FACADE-4006",
"message": "Failed to get C-IMS subscription. IMS service is not defined for serviceId :: 61123456789,SERVICE NOT DEFINED;IMS service is not defined for serviceId - [Processed by PG Node: PQA8-PL3]",
"time": "2017-10-05T05:37:10.444+0000",
"correlationId": "962a0c51-8450-4599-92f5-8d62e8ea3a3a",
"path": "/activation/v1/voice/fnn/0123456789/physical",
"method": "GET",
"data": {},
"request": {
"params": {},
"method": "GET",
"path": "/activation/v1/voice/fnn/0123456789"
"errors": [{
"message": "Failed to get C-IMS subscription. IMS service is not defined for serviceId :: 61123456789,SERVICE NOT DEFINED;IMS service is not defined for serviceId - [Processed by PG Node: PQA8-PL3]",
"code": "86030",
"system": "EMAWS"