@mixin linksColors-lvhaf($link, $visited, $hover, $active, $focus) {
a { transition:.2s; padding:1%; margin:-1%; text-decoration:underline;
& { color:$link; }
&:visited { color:$visited; }
&:hover { color:$hover; text-decoration:none; }
&:active { color:$active; outline:#ccc 1px dotted; }
&:focus { color:$focus; }
@include linksColors-lvhaf { blue, purple, ligthen(blue,10), orange, red; }
/* Note:
Alebit not the pretiest , the letters "lvhaf" in the name represent the order in which the pseudo-classes have to appear.
They also help remind you the order of the pseudo-classes.
1. Link
2. Visited
3. Hover
4. Active
5. Focus