Text-mask background moving on MouseMove - v2
Trying the new feature "background-clip: text", with background moving.
Forked from [Robert ](http://codepen.io/dghez/)'s Pen [Text-mask background moving on MouseMove - v2](http://codepen.io/dghez/pen/ItxKE/).
A [Pen](http://codepen.io/sethkontny/pen/zwBjK) by [seth kontny](http://codepen.io/sethkontny) on [CodePen](http://codepen.io/).
<!-- If you don't see it u probably are using a browser not based on webkit, so leave IE and grab anything else (Y) -->
<!-- UPDATE: works in Chrome & Safari, not Firefox. To solve that you could use an SVG insted of pure text. -->
<div class="container">
<div class="title">Seth Kontny </div>
<div class="subtitle"> geek + smart + curious + nerd + ingenious + cunning = ME </div>