# tl;dr
Basically, you just conert main headings for parts of your Sass file into giant ASCII art headings using this: https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator SB3 package, so that they are readable from the minimap. Makes navigating really fast.
# The Long Version
I've been using Sass for probably the last 5-6 projects I've done and have done many tests locally as well as on CodePen with it and I love it and use many of the features, but one feature that I've used, but never felt settled with was the import feature. You can import, much like a css import, except if you import other Sass files, they'll be concatanated when compiled.
At first this seemed great and I thought I should break my huge css file up into lots of little files, but then I found managing and hunting down styles in multiple files became a nuissance, and auto-complete became a problem.
So, I was toying around with going back to one big single Sass file that would compile into one big single CSS file, but how to navigate the file? Then I found this: https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator
It's a Subilme Text module that let's you convert normal text into ASCII art! By using this module you can make headings for your sections that are readable from the minimap (check out the example).
If you use Sass comments, they will be stripped out on compile, so no need to worry about bloating up your script.
I've only been trying this for a couple days, while working on my new site, but so far I'm really liking it! Navigating around is so fast and intuitive and requires no thought. You just look at the minimap and click where you want to go.
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