## Selection and Navigation
⌘D Multi-select
⌘K,⌘D Skip the current match and select the next one
⌘U Soft Undo
⌘ + Ctrl + G Select all occurences under cursor
⌘P Jump to files
⌘L Select Line
⌘ + Shift + L Convert Selection to Multi-select
⌘ + Shift + J Select all lines at current indentation
⌘ + Shift + A Select Inner/Outer Content in HTML
Ctrl + Shift + ↑ Block select up
Ctrl + M Jump to matching bracket
Ctrl + G Go to line number
⌘ + F2 Set Bookmark
F2 Next Bookmark
Shift + F2 Prev Bookmark
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ Scroll Up
o (visual mode) Switch between beginning and end of selection
## Editing
⌘ + Shift + V Paste at current indentation level
## Windows
⌘ + Shift + ] Next tab
⌘ + Shift + [ Prev tab
⌘ + Ctrl + 1 One-column layout
⌘ + Ctrl + 2 Two-column layout
## Find
⌘ + F Find
⌘ + G Find again
⌘ + Shift + F Find in files
⌘ + Alt + F Find & Replace
⌘ + Ctrl + R Toggle Regex (in find)
⌘ + Ctrl + W Toggle Whole Word (in find)
## Vintage Mode
Alt + w Forward partial word (e.g. camelCase)
Alt + b Back partial word
## Keybindings
To see all commands printed as they are executed, open the console and run: `sublime.log_commands(True)`