require 'date'
# Hold the time differences to calculate averages
time_diffs = []
# Get three time differences
1..3.times do
initial_time = DateTime.now()
sleep 1
final_time = DateTime.now()
# Calculate the difference in seconds
diff = ((first - second) * 24 * 60 * 60).to_i
# Store the differences as an absolute value
time_diffs << diff.abs
# ===================================================
# Calculate the average, min and max
# The inject, min, and max methods come from the
# enumerable module which can be implemented on
# and class that contains an each method.
# The ruby docs actually have a good description of
# the inject, min, and max methods if you want to
# how they work
# ===================================================
avg = time_diffs.inject(:+).to_f / time_diffs.size
min = avg.min
max = avg.max
# Display the Results
puts "The average time in seconds was '#{avg}'"
puts "The max time in seconds was '#{max}'"
puts "The min time in seconds was '#{min}'"