#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# = Email Ping
# Check to see if an email address exists by looking up MX records and connecting
# to the address's home SMTP server. It then starts to send a message to the address
# but quits before the message is actually sent.
require 'resolv'
require 'net/smtp'
address = ARGV[0].chomp
domain = address.split('@').last
dns = Resolv::DNS.new
puts "Resolving MX records for #{domain}..."
mx_records = dns.getresources domain, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX
mx_server = mx_records.first.exchange.to_s
puts "Connecting to #{mx_server}..."
Net::SMTP.start mx_server, 25 do |smtp|
smtp.helo "loldomain.com"
smtp.mailfrom "test@loldomain.com"
puts "Pinging #{address}..."
puts "-" * 50
smtp.rcptto address
puts "Address probably exists."
rescue Net::SMTPFatalError => err
puts "Address probably doesn't exist."
# vim: set ft=ruby ts=2 sw=2 :