#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if ARGV.empty?
# This is the only error handling
# The rest is unfinished
puts "No input files..."
files = ARGV.map {|arg| Dir.glob(arg)}.flatten
meta = files.map do |file|
tags = %x(ffprobe "#{file}" 2>&1)
tags = tags.split("Metadata:").last.lines[1..-3]
tags = tags.map{|tag| tag[0..-2].sub(/ */,"").split(/ *: /,2)}.to_h
[file, tags]
# Bases the album info on the metadata from the first file
# Not the best method
cue = [%Q(REM GENRE #{meta.first.last['genre']}),
%Q(REM DATE #{meta.first.last['date'][/\d{4}/]}),
%Q(PERFORMER "#{meta.first.last['artist']}"),
%Q(TITLE "#{meta.first.last['album']}")]
meta = meta.to_h
for file in files do
pos = 4 * (meta[file]['track'].to_i - 1) + 4
cue[pos] = %Q(FILE "#{file}" WAVE)
cue[pos + 1] = %Q( TRACK #{"%02d" % meta[file]['track'].to_i} AUDIO)
cue[pos + 2] = %Q( TITLE "#{meta[file]['title']}")
cue[pos + 3] = %Q( INDEX 01 00:00:00)
puts cue.join("\n")