# RSpec matcher to spec delegations.
# Usage:
# describe Post do
# it { should delegate(:name).to(:author).with_prefix } # post.author_name
# it { should delegate(:day).to(:created_at) }
# it { should delegate(:month, :year).to(:created_at) }
# end
# Built on https://gist.github.com/txus/807456 and https://gist.github.com/bparanj/4579700adca0b64e7ca0
# Nowhere near complete; see http://apidock.com/rails/Module/delegate for all the things delegate
# be able to do
# If you're getting serious about this, look at Shoulda. It was more than I needed.
# TODO: multiple delegated methods in one call ... or use Shoulda.
RSpec::Matchers.define :delegate do |method|
match do |delegator|
# No point if the receiver method doesn't exist
return false unless delegator.respond_to?(@to)
@method = (@prefix ? :"#{@to}_#{method}" : method).to_sym
@delegator = delegator
# Make and insert a double for the receiver of the delegation
@receiver = double('receiver', @method => :called)
allow(@delegator).to receive(@to).and_return(@receiver)
@delegator.send(@method) == :called
description do
"delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}"
failure_message do |text|
"expected #{@delegator} to delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}"
failure_message_when_negated do |text|
"expected #{@delegator} not to delegate :#{@method} to its #{@to}#{@prefix ? ' with prefix' : ''}"
chain(:to) { |receiver| @to = receiver.to_sym }
chain(:with_prefix) { @prefix = true }