# Poor specs
# ==========
# Customer relation is irrelevant in this case. Same as each order's subject.
# `match_array` expectation verifies count implicitly, so additional check seems obsolete.
describe MostProfitableOrdersQuery do
describe '.call' do
it 'returns top 50% orders with the biggest total value' do
customer = create(:customer, name: 'Tony stark')
create(:order, customer: customer, subject: 'Iron armor', total_value: 1000)
most_profitable_order_1 =
create(:order, customer: customer, subject: 'Dual laser glove', total_value: 1200)
most_profitable_order_2 =
create(:order, customer: customer, subject: 'Power cells', total_value: 1500)
create(:order, customer: customer, subject: 'Sensor array', total_value: 500)
result = MostProfitableOrdersQuery.call
expect(result).to be_kind_of(ActiveRecord::Relation)
expect(result.count).to eq(2)
expect(result).to match_array(most_profitable_order_1, most_profitable_order_2)
# Good specs
# ============
# Only data important from test's perspective is provided.
describe MostProfitableOrdersQuery do
describe '.call' do
it 'returns top 50% orders with the biggest total value' do
create(:order, total_value: 1000)
most_profitable_order_1 = create(:order, total_value: 1200)
create(:order, total_value: 500)
most_profitable_order_2 = create(:order, total_value: 1500)
result = MostProfitableOrdersQuery.call
expect(result).to be_kind_of(ActiveRecord::Relation)
expect(result).to match_array(most_profitable_order_1, most_profitable_order_2)