# Delete the Getter and Setter from above, replace it with attr_accessor
# Note: Doesn't write your initialize method instance variables!
class Product
attr_accessor :description
# Always Initialize It First
def initialize( description, price)
@id = rand(100...999)
@description = description
@price = price
def to_s
# return by rewriting to_s :-p and add tabs with \t
return "#{@id}\t#{@description}\t#{@price}"
# Set it up... Instantiate our class
book = Product.new( "Ruby On Rails For Web Development", 26.95 )
book2 = Product.new( "Intro To Ruby", 25.95 )
# Call the thing!
puts book
puts book2
# Call The Description Getter
puts book.description
# Call the Setter, set a different Description
puts book.description= "I Like Cheese!"