set_time_limit(0); // this will keep the script from stopping if it takes longer then 30 seconds, must have this here
$emailaddress = file("email-list.txt"); // load from a flat file, assuming 1 email per line in the file
$emailsubject = "This is a sample subject!";
$emailbody = file_get_contents("email.html");
$fromaddress = "name@domain.tld";
$i = count($emailaddress);
$z = 0;
// here we check how many email address's we have, if its is 0, then we don't start the email function
if ($i != 0)
{// start if
// Lets loop until we reach the count from email address arrar
while ($i != $z)
{// start while
// here we send the email to the varables from above, using the email array incrament
mail($emailaddress[$z], $emailsubject, $emailbody, "From: " .$fromaddress. "\nX-Mailer: PHP 4.x");
// lets echo out that the email was sent
echo $z + 1 . " out of " . $i . " emails sent. (" . $emailaddress[$z] . ")<br>";
// increment the array one, so we get a new email address from the array
}// end while
}//end if
{//start else
// we echo out that no emails where found in the array and end the script
echo "Warning: No emails in array.";
}// end else