PHP DirectAdmin API httpsocket.php



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了PHP DirectAdmin API httpsocket.php相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


 * Socket communication class.
 * Originally designed for use with DirectAdmin's API, this class will fill any HTTP socket need.
 * Very, very basic usage:
 *   $Socket = new HTTPSocket;
 *   echo $Socket->get('');
 * @author Phi1 'l0rdphi1' Stier <>
 * @package HTTPSocket
 * @version 2.6
class HTTPSocket {

    var $version = '2.6';
    /* all vars are private except $error, $query_cache, and $doFollowLocationHeader */

    var $method = 'GET';

    var $remote_host;
    var $remote_port;
    var $remote_uname;
    var $remote_passwd;

    var $result;
    var $result_header;
    var $result_body;
    var $result_status_code;

    var $lastTransferSpeed;

    var $bind_host;

    var $error = array();
    var $warn = array();
    var $query_cache = array();

    var $doFollowLocationHeader = TRUE;
    var $redirectURL;

    var $extra_headers = array();

     * Create server "connection".
    function connect($host, $port = '' )
        if (!is_numeric($port))
            $port = 80;

        $this->remote_host = $host;
        $this->remote_port = $port;

    function bind( $ip = '' )
        if ( $ip == '' )
            $ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];

        $this->bind_host = $ip;

     * Change the method being used to communicate.
     * @param string|null request method. supports GET, POST, and HEAD. default is GET
    function set_method( $method = 'GET' )
        $this->method = strtoupper($method);

     * Specify a username and password.
     * @param string|null username. defualt is null
     * @param string|null password. defualt is null
    function set_login( $uname = '', $passwd = '' )
        if ( strlen($uname) > 0 )
            $this->remote_uname = $uname;

        if ( strlen($passwd) > 0 )
            $this->remote_passwd = $passwd;


     * Query the server
     * @param string containing properly formatted server API. See DA API docs and examples. Http:// URLs O.K. too.
     * @param string|array query to pass to url
     * @param int if connection KB/s drops below value here, will drop connection
    function query( $request, $content = '', $doSpeedCheck = 0 )
        $this->error = $this->warn = array();
        $this->result_status_code = NULL;

        // is our request a http:// ... ?
        if (preg_match('!^http://!i',$request))
            $location = parse_url($request);
            $request = $location['path'];
            $content = $location['query'];

            if ( strlen($request) < 1 )
                $request = '/';


        $array_headers = array(
            'User-Agent' => "HTTPSocket/$this->version",
            'Host' => ( $this->remote_port == 80 ? $this->remote_host : "$this->remote_host:$this->remote_port" ),
            'Accept' => '*/*',
            'Connection' => 'Close' );

        foreach ( $this->extra_headers as $key => $value )
            $array_headers[$key] = $value;

        $this->result = $this->result_header = $this->result_body = '';

        // was content sent as an array? if so, turn it into a string
        if (is_array($content))
            $pairs = array();

            foreach ( $content as $key => $value )
                $pairs[] = "$key=".urlencode($value);

            $content = join('&',$pairs);

        $OK = TRUE;

        // instance connection
        if ($this->bind_host)
            $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

            if (!@socket_connect($socket,$this->remote_host,$this->remote_port))
                $OK = FALSE;

            $socket = @fsockopen( $this->remote_host, $this->remote_port, $sock_errno, $sock_errstr, 10 );

        if ( !$socket || !$OK )
            $this->error[] = "Can't create socket connection to $this->remote_host:$this->remote_port.";
            return 0;

        // if we have a username and password, add the header
        if ( isset($this->remote_uname) && isset($this->remote_passwd) )
            $array_headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode("$this->remote_uname:$this->remote_passwd");

        // for DA skins: if $this->remote_passwd is NULL, try to use the login key system
        if ( isset($this->remote_uname) && $this->remote_passwd == NULL )
            $array_headers['Cookie'] = "session={$_SERVER['SESSION_ID']}; key={$_SERVER['SESSION_KEY']}";

        // if method is POST, add content length & type headers
        if ( $this->method == 'POST' )
            $array_headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
            $array_headers['Content-length'] = strlen($content);
        // else method is GET or HEAD. we don't support anything else right now.
            if ($content)
                $request .= "?$content";

        // prepare query
        $query = "$this->method $request HTTP/1.0
        foreach ( $array_headers as $key => $value )
            $query .= "$key: $value
        $query .= "

        // if POST we need to append our content
        if ( $this->method == 'POST' && $content )
            $query .= "$content


        // query connection
        if ($this->bind_host)

            // now load results
            while ( $out = socket_read($socket,2048) )
                $this->result .= $out;
            fwrite( $socket, $query, strlen($query) );

            // now load results
            $this->lastTransferSpeed = 0;
            $status = socket_get_status($socket);
            $startTime = time();
            $length = 0;
            $prevSecond = 0;
            while ( !feof($socket) && !$status['timed_out'] )
                $chunk = fgets($socket,1024);
                $length += strlen($chunk);
                $this->result .= $chunk;

                $elapsedTime = time() - $startTime;

                if ( $elapsedTime > 0 )
                    $this->lastTransferSpeed = ($length/1024)/$elapsedTime;

                if ( $doSpeedCheck > 0 && $elapsedTime > 5 && $this->lastTransferSpeed < $doSpeedCheck )
                    $this->warn[] = "kB/s for last 5 seconds is below 50 kB/s (~".( ($length/1024)/$elapsedTime )."), dropping connection...";
                    $this->result_status_code = 503;


            if ( $this->lastTransferSpeed == 0 )
                $this->lastTransferSpeed = $length/1024;

        list($this->result_header,$this->result_body) = split("


        if ($this->bind_host)

        $this->query_cache[] = $query;

        $headers = $this->fetch_header();

        // what return status did we get?
        if (!$this->result_status_code)
            preg_match("#HTTP/1\.. (\d+)#",$headers[0],$matches);
            $this->result_status_code = $matches[1];

        // did we get the full file?
        if ( !empty($headers['content-length']) && $headers['content-length'] != strlen($this->result_body) )
            $this->result_status_code = 206;

        // now, if we're being passed a location header, should we follow it?
        if ($this->doFollowLocationHeader)
            if ($headers['location'])
                $this->redirectURL = $headers['location'];

    function getTransferSpeed()
        return $this->lastTransferSpeed;

     * The quick way to get a URL's content :)
     * @param string URL
     * @param boolean return as array? (like PHP's file() command)
     * @return string result body
    function get($location, $asArray = FALSE )

        if ( $this->get_status_code() == 200 )
            if ($asArray)
                return split("\n",$this->fetch_body());

            return $this->fetch_body();

        return FALSE;

     * Returns the last status code.
     * 200 = OK;
     * 403 = FORBIDDEN;
     * etc.
     * @return int status code
    function get_status_code()
        return $this->result_status_code;

     * Adds a header, sent with the next query.
     * @param string header name
     * @param string header value
    function add_header($key,$value)
        $this->extra_headers[$key] = $value;

     * Clears any extra headers.
    function clear_headers()
        $this->extra_headers = array();

     * Return the result of a query.
     * @return string result
    function fetch_result()
        return $this->result;

     * Return the header of result (stuff before body).
     * @param string (optional) header to return
     * @return array result header
    function fetch_header( $header = '' )
        $array_headers = split("
        $array_return = array( 0 => $array_headers[0] );

        foreach ( $array_headers as $pair )
            list($key,$value) = split(": ",$pair,2);
            $array_return[strtolower($key)] = $value;

        if ( $header != '' )
            return $array_return[strtolower($header)];

        return $array_return;

     * Return the body of result (stuff after header).
     * @return string result body
    function fetch_body()
        return $this->result_body;

     * Return parsed body in array format.
     * @return array result parsed
    function fetch_parsed_body()
        return $x;



以上是关于PHP DirectAdmin API httpsocket.php的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在Directadmin中启用/安装PHP exif?

Directadmin CMD_API_SHOW_DOMAINS 域数组

DirectAdmin API示例脚本

DirectAdmin 使用 PHP 以编程方式创建子域

DirectAdmin APIhttpsocket.php文件

Centos7 上的 PHP-FPM 与 Directadmin -> 通过 httpd-alias 的 url 未解析为 php