// However, for more complex operations that may take a long time,
// you may hook into Batch API as in the following example.
$ret = array();
// Update 3 users at a time to have an exclamation point after their names.
// (They're really happy that we can do batch API in this hook!)
if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
$sandbox['progress'] = 0;
$sandbox['current_uid'] = 0;
// We'll -1 to disregard the uid 0...
$sandbox['max'] = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM {users}')) - 1;
$users = db_query_range("SELECT uid, name FROM {users} WHERE uid > %d ORDER BY uid ASC", $sandbox['current_uid'], 0, 3);
while ($user = db_fetch_object($users)) {
$user->name .= '!';
$ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {users} SET name = '$user->name' WHERE uid = $user->uid");
$sandbox['current_uid'] = $user->uid;
$ret['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['max']) ? 1 : ($sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
return $ret;