c_cpp 发送midi程序更改并根据按下的脚踏板控制更改消息
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了c_cpp 发送midi程序更改并根据按下的脚踏板控制更改消息相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
// midi.controller
// written by The Cat Herder
// Sends midi program change and control change messages based on foot pedal pressed
// Source: http://playground.arduino.cc/Learning/MidiFoot
// Constants
#define SWITCH1 2
#define SWITCH2 3
#define SWITCH3 4
#define SWITCH4 5
#define SWITCH5 6
#define LED1 7
#define LED2 8
#define LED3 9
#define LED4 10
#define LED5 11
#define BOUNCEDELAY 25
// Variables:
int switches[5] = { SWITCH1, SWITCH2, SWITCH3, SWITCH4, SWITCH5 };
int switchState[5] = { HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH };
// Initial state of switch is high due to internal pullup
int leds[5] = { LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4, LED5 };
int currentSwitch = 0;
int currentProgram = 22; // current program - sent to the output
int bypassState = LOW; // state of bypass pedal
int pedalActiveFlash = 50; // Delay for flash when pedal is pressed
void setup() {
// Set MIDI baud rate:
// Setup Switches and activation LEDs
for( currentSwitch = 0; currentSwitch < 5; currentSwitch++ ) {
pinMode( switches[currentSwitch], INPUT ); // Set pin for switch
digitalWrite( switches[currentSwitch], HIGH ); // Turn on internal pullup
pinMode( leds[currentSwitch], OUTPUT ); // Set pin for LED
flashPin( leds[currentSwitch], 100 ); // Flash LED
void loop() {
for( currentSwitch = 0; currentSwitch < 5; currentSwitch++ ) {
if((digitalRead(switches[currentSwitch]) != switchState[currentSwitch] )&&(switchState[currentSwitch] == HIGH)){
switch( currentSwitch ) {
case 0:
if( bypassState == LOW ) {
bypassState = HIGH;
midiSend( 0xB0, 0x5B, 0x00 ); // bypass off
digitalWrite( leds[currentSwitch], LOW );
else {
bypassState = LOW;
midiSend( 0xB0, 0x5B, 0x7F ); // bypass on
digitalWrite( leds[currentSwitch], HIGH );
case 1:
//Prev Program
currentProgram = currentProgram--;
if( currentProgram < 1 )
currentProgram = 0; // Don't go lower than 0
midiProg( 0xC0, currentProgram );
flashPin( leds[currentSwitch], pedalActiveFlash );
case 2:
// Next Program
currentProgram = currentProgram++;
if( currentProgram > 96 )
currentProgram = 97; // Don't go lower than 97
midiProg( 0xC0, currentProgram );
flashPin( leds[currentSwitch], pedalActiveFlash );
case 3:
// Favourite 1
currentProgram = 22;
midiProg( 0xC0, currentProgram );
flashPin( leds[currentSwitch], pedalActiveFlash );
case 4:
// Favourite 2
currentProgram = 27;
midiProg( 0xC0, currentProgram );
flashPin( leds[currentSwitch], pedalActiveFlash );
switchState[currentSwitch] = digitalRead( switches[currentSwitch] );
// Send a three byte midi message
void midiSend(char status, char data1, char data2) {
Serial.print(status, BYTE);
Serial.print(data1, BYTE);
Serial.print(data2, BYTE);
// Send a two byte midi message
void midiProg(char status, int data ) {
Serial.print(status, BYTE);
Serial.print(data, BYTE);
void flashPin( int ledPin, int flashDelay ) {
digitalWrite( ledPin, HIGH );
delay( flashDelay );
digitalWrite( ledPin, LOW );
以上是关于c_cpp 发送midi程序更改并根据按下的脚踏板控制更改消息的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
五线谱踏板标记 ( 踩下踏板 Ped 标记 | 松开踏板 * 标记 | MIDI 中的对应踏板指令 | 连续控制信号 | 开关控制信号 )