c_cpp C中的多态,虚函数和继承
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了c_cpp C中的多态,虚函数和继承相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Convenience, C does not have bool */
enum Bool { FALSE, TRUE };
/* Typedefs so we don't have to have "struct Gun" everywhere */
typedef struct Gun Gun;
typedef struct Shotgun Shotgun;
typedef enum Bool Bool;
/* Our base class */
struct Gun
int damage;
int currentMagazine;
int magazineCapacity;
float reloadTime;
void (*Fire)(const Gun *);
/* Derived class */
struct Shotgun
Gun base; /* Contains pointer to base class as first member so we can (* Gun) cast */
Bool splashDamage;
Bool sawedOff;
void (*Cock)(const Shotgun *);
/* Convenience macro to always safely pass instance of pointer to its own function */
#define Gun_Fire(this) \
((Gun *)this)->Fire((Gun *)this)
/* Constructor */
Shotgun * Shotgun_new();
/* Overridden Fire function */
void ShotgunFire(const Gun *);
/* Derived class specific function */
void ShotgunCock(const Shotgun *);
#define Shotgun_Cock(this) \
Shotgun * Shotgun_new(Bool splashDamage, Bool sawedOff)
/* Allocate object */
Shotgun *shotgun = (Shotgun *)malloc(sizeof(Shotgun));
if (shotgun != 0)
/* Setup overridden functions for child */
((Gun *)shotgun)->Fire = ShotgunFire;
shotgun->Cock = ShotgunCock;
/* Initialize fields */
shotgun->splashDamage = splashDamage;
shotgun->sawedOff = sawedOff;
if (splashDamage == 1)
((Gun *)shotgun)->damage = 10;
shotgun->splashDamage = 3;
else if (splashDamage == 0)
((Gun *)shotgun)->damage = 15;
shotgun->splashDamage = 0;
return shotgun;
void Shotgun_delete(void *shotgun)
free((Shotgun *)shotgun);
void ShotgunFire(const Gun *base)
Shotgun *this = (Shotgun *)base;
printf("Dealt %d damage to a demon!\n", ((Gun *)this)->damage);
if (this->splashDamage > 0)
printf("...And %d damage to a random skeleton\n", this->splashDamage);
printf("...And %d damage to a random zombie\n", this->splashDamage);
printf("...And %d damage to a random zombie\n", this->splashDamage);
void ShotgunCock(const Shotgun *this)
if (this->sawedOff)
printf("Shotgun cocked. Made a COOLER sound!\n");
printf("Shotgun cocked. Made a cool sound!\n");
int main()
/* Allocate object using constructor, initializes and sets up virtuals */
Gun *myShotgun = (Gun *)Shotgun_new(TRUE, TRUE);
/* Call a virtual function on our object! */
/* Call a function unique to our derived object */
Shotgun_Cock((Shotgun *)myShotgun);
return 0;
以上是关于c_cpp C中的多态,虚函数和继承的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章