Threads initialization
#include <iostream>
// Functions and classes for managing threads are included in <thread>
#include <thread>
// The "initial function" of the thread
void hello()
std::cout << "Hello Concurrent World 1!\n";
// The "callable" type object
class background_task
void operator()()
std::cout << "Hello Concurrent World 2!\n";
int main()
std::thread t1(hello);
// This is an example of "C++ most vexing parse", which interprets this as function declaration taking function pointer as argument
// std::thread t2(background_task());
// This is better declared using uniform initialization syntax. The object is copied into the thread so beware of dangling pointers.
std::thread t2{ background_task() };
// Thread can also be initialized using lambda expression
std::thread t3([]()
std::cout << "Hello Concurrent World 3!\n";
// Wait for the additional threads to finish. Calling "join" on a thread object detaches the object from the thread, losing all information about that thread.
// Failing to call "join" or "detach" will destroy the thread in the std::thread object destructor. "Detach" detaches the thread from the thread object.