#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#define PubNub_BASE_CLIENT WiFiClient
#include <PubNub.h>
const static char ssid[] = "Sensor Network";
const static char pass[] = "sens0rpassw0rd";
int sendTimer; // Timer used to control how often messages are published. Sends a new message once every 10 minutes.
int sensorTimer; // Timer used to control how often sensor is checked. Checked every 60 seconds.
float sensorValue; // Value from sensor.
int lastuvindex; // UV index on previous loop.
int uvindex; // Value from sensor converted to UV index.
if ((uvindex > 7) && (alertTimer == 0)) { // Send a push notification if the UV index is very high and no notification has been sent in the last 15 hours.
alertTimer = 900; // Wait 15 hours before sending another push notification.
strcat(msg, "},\"pn_apns\":{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"The UV index is very high. Avoid the sun.\"}}}");
else {
if (alertTimer > 0) {
alertTimer = (alertTimer - 1); // Remove a minute from the alertTimer.
strcat(msg, "}}");
if ((uvindex > 7) && (alertTimer == 0)) { // Send a push notification if the UV index is very high and no notification has been sent in the last 15 hours.
alertTimer = 900; // Wait 15 hours before sending another push notification.
strcat(msg, "},\"pn_gcm\":{\"notification\":{\"body\":\"The UV index is very high. Avoid the sun.\"}}}");
else {
if (alertTimer > 0) {
alertTimer = (alertTimer - 1); // Remove a minute from the alertTimer.
strcat(msg, "}}");
void loop() {
sensorTimer = (sensorTimer + 1); // Add a second to the sensor timer.
if (sensorTimer == 60) { // Check sensor.
sensorTimer = 0; // Reset timer.
sendTimer = (sendTimer + 1); // Add a minute to sendTimer.
if (sendTimer == 10) { // Reset timer after 10 minutes.
sendTimer = 0; // Reset timer.
sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read sensor. Convert to UV index.
if ((sensorValue >= 0) && (sensorValue < 20)) {
uvindex = 0;
else if ((sensorValue >= 20) && (sensorValue < 65)) {
uvindex = 1;
else if ((sensorValue >= 65) && (sensorValue < 83)) {
uvindex = 2;
else if ((sensorValue >= 83) && (sensorValue < 103)) {
uvindex = 3;
else if ((sensorValue >= 103) && (sensorValue < 124)) {
uvindex = 4;
else if ((sensorValue >= 124) && (sensorValue < 142)) {
uvindex = 5;
else if ((sensorValue >= 142) && (sensorValue < 162)) {
uvindex = 6;
else if ((sensorValue >= 162) && (sensorValue < 180)) {
uvindex = 7;
else if ((sensorValue >= 180) && (sensorValue < 200)) {
uvindex = 8;
else if ((sensorValue >= 200) && (sensorValue < 221)) {
uvindex = 9;
else if ((sensorValue >= 221) && (sensorValue < 240)) {
uvindex = 10;
else if (sensorValue >= 240) {
uvindex = 11;
if ((lastuvindex != uvindex) || (sendTimer == 0)) { // Send a new message if sendTimer was reset or if UV index has changed.
lastuvindex = uvindex; // Save the UV index.
sendTimer = 0; // Reset timer.
PubNub_BASE_CLIENT *client;
Serial.println("publishing a message");
char msg[64] = "{\"eon\":{\"uvindex\":";
sprintf(msg + strlen(msg), "%d", uvindex);
strcat(msg, "}}");
client = PubNub.publish("uvindex", msg);
if (!client) {
Serial.println("publishing error");
while (client->connected()) {
while (client->connected() && !client->available());
char c = client->read();