FROM s01_ProductVariants pv
LEFT JOIN s01_Attributes a
ON pv.attr_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN s01_Options o
ON pv.option_id = o.id
LEFT JOIN s01_ProductVariantParts pvp
ON pv.variant_id = pvp.variant_id
LEFT JOIN s01_Products p
ON pvp.part_id = p.id
LEFT JOIN s01_InventoryProductCounts ipc
ON p.id = ipc.product_id
LEFT JOIN s01_ProductImages pi
ON p.id = pi.product_id AND pi.type_id = 1
LEFT JOIN s01_Images i
ON pi.image_id = i.id
WHERE pv.product_id = (SELECT id FROM s01_Products p WHERE p.code = 'MASTER_PRODUCT_CODE');
pv.product_id AS 'master_product_id',
pvp.part_id AS 'variant_product_id',
a.type AS 'attribute_type',
a.code AS 'attribute_code',
a.prompt AS 'attribute_prompt',
o.code AS 'option_code',
o.prompt AS 'option_prompt',
o.image AS 'option_image',
p.code AS 'variant_product_code',
p.name AS 'variant_product_name',
p.price AS 'variant_product_price',
p.cost AS 'variant_product_cost',
i.image AS 'variant_product_image',
ipc.inventory AS 'variant_product_inventory'
FROM s01_ProductVariants pv
LEFT JOIN s01_Attributes a
ON pv.attr_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN s01_Options o
ON pv.option_id = o.id
LEFT JOIN s01_ProductVariantParts pvp
ON pv.variant_id = pvp.variant_id
LEFT JOIN s01_Products p
ON pvp.part_id = p.id
LEFT JOIN s01_InventoryProductCounts ipc
ON p.id = ipc.product_id
LEFT JOIN s01_ProductImages pi
ON p.id = pi.product_id AND pi.type_id = 1
LEFT JOIN s01_Images i
ON pi.image_id = i.id
WHERE pv.product_id = (SELECT id FROM s01_Products p WHERE p.code = 'MASTER_PRODUCT_CODE');