Now(), ---find current timestamp
Date(Now()), ---find today's date
Year(Now()), ---find today's year
Quarter(Now()), ---find today's quarter
Month(Now()), ---find today's month
Day(Now()), ---find today's day
dayofyear(Now()) as DayOfYear, ---find day of the year
dayofweek(Now()) as WeekdayUS, ---find day of the week (number from 1 to 7, week starts on Sunday)
dayofweek_iso(Now()) as WeekdayEU, ---find day of the week (number from 1 to 7, week starts on Monday)
week(Now()) as WeekNumUS, ---week number, US standard
week_iso(Now()) as WeekNumEU ---week numbeer, ISO standard
Date(Now()) as Today,
Year(Now()) as ThisYear,
Quarter(Now()) as ThisQuarter,
Month(Now()) as ThisMonth,
Day(Now()) as ThisDay,
dayofyear(Now()) as DayOfYear,
dayofmonth(Now()) as DayOfMonth,
dayofweek(Now()) as DayofWeek, #1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday)
weekday(Now()) as WeekdayNum, #0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, … 6 = Sunday
weekofyear(Now()) as WeekNumUS,
week(Now()) as WeekNumUS
Now() |Today |ThisYear |ThisQuarter |ThisMonth |ThisDay |
2017-10-26 17:03:43 |2017-10-26 |2017 |4 |10 |26 |
DayOfYear |DayOfMonth |DayofWeek |WeekdayNum |WeekNumUS |WeekNumUS |
299 |26 |5 |3 |43 |43 |
------------------------- MS SQL Server----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getdate() as Now,
Year(getdate()) as ThisYear,
Month(getdate()) as ThisMonth,
Day(getdate()) as Today
Now |ThisYear |ThisMonth |Today |
2017-10-26 16:21:57 |2017 |10 |26 |