sql 示例:如果行存在,则如何更新行或如​​果行不存在则插入行



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了sql 示例:如果行存在,则如何更新行或如​​果行不存在则插入行相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

-- three methods for UPDATing if a row exists, ELSE INSERTing if the row doesn't exists. There are times where you want to overwrite a row if the row already exists, or insert a row if the row doesn't exists. For example, if a customer_no already exists, update the last_order column, and if not, insert a row for the customer_no and then insert and new last_order.

-- first method, using set based MERGE INTO, which WHEN MATCHED will update the row, and WHEN NOT MATCHED will add the row. You have a target table that will be updated, and then a staging table that contains the new info that you want updated or added to the target table. It matches the rows based on the cn_fy column found in both tables, and when it finds a match, it executes the UPDATE statement, and when it doesn't find a match, it executes the INSERT statement.
MERGE INTO forecast f
USING forecast2 s
ON f.cn_fy = s.cn_fy
	UPDATE SET f.name = s.name2, f.amount = s.amount 
	INSERT (customer_no, name, fiscalyear, amount)
	VALUES (s.customer_no, s.name2, s.fiscalyear, s.amount);

-- second method that checks if a row has a customer_no of 2255 AND a fiscalyear=2018, using IF EXISTS THEN, ELSE. This checks IF the SELECT statement returns a value, and if so, it executes the UPDATE statement. If it doesn't return a value, then it executes the INSERT statement.
DECLARE @cn INT = 2255;
DECLARE @fy INT = 2018;

IF EXISTS (SELECT ref_no FROM forecast WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy)
    UPDATE forecast SET Amount=700 WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy
    INSERT INTO forecast (customer_no,fiscalyear,name,amount)
    (2255,@fy,'ben smoth',200000);

DECLARE @cn INT = 2255;
DECLARE @fy INT = 2018;

-- IF the SELECT statement in the quotes returns a value (if the value exists), then that means the row already exists and needs to be updated
IF EXISTS (SELECT ref_no FROM forecast WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy)
    --update the row if it exists
    UPDATE forecast SET Amount=700 WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy
-- ELSE if the SELECT statement doesn't return a value (it doesn't exist), that means the row needs to be added. In this case, execute the ELSE statement which is an INSERT.
    INSERT INTO forecast (customer_no,fiscalyear,name,amount)
    (2255,@fy,'ben smoth',200000);

-- third method using IF @@ROWCOUNT=0, which tries update and if @@ROWCOUNT is 0, it then executes the INSERT statement. There might be some performance benefits to this method over the IF EXISTS(SELECT) method.
DECLARE @cn INT = 2255;
DECLARE @fy INT = 2018;

UPDATE forecast SET Amount=73474 WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy
  INSERT INTO forecast (customer_no,fiscalyear,name,amount)
  (2255,@fy,'ben smoth',2357340000);

DECLARE @cn INT = 2255;
DECLARE @fy INT = 2018;

-- go straight to updating where the conditions are met
UPDATE forecast SET Amount=73474 WHERE customer_no=@cn AND fiscalyear=@fy
-- if the conditions where found then that row will have been updated, and @@ROWCOUNT will be 1, therefore the IF statement below won't do anything. However, if the conditions weren't found and therefore a row wasn't updated, then @@ROWCOUNT will be 0, in which case the IF statement below will execute the INSERT statement to create the row.
  INSERT INTO forecast (customer_no,fiscalyear,name,amount)
  (2255,@fy,'ben smoth',2357340000);

以上是关于sql 示例:如果行存在,则如何更新行或如​​果行不存在则插入行的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


SQL 查询 - 如果存在则更新,否则插入

如果行不是重复的,或者行的 ID 不是 SQL SSMS 中的某个数字,则更新列

如果行的所有列条目不存在,则 MySQL 插入表

如果行在其他列中具有相同的数据,则 SQL 查询 CONCAT/列出唯一列数据?

如果行不存在具有相同的值,如何在 Mysql 中插入行