Exercise II - Add CSS
Time: 15 Minutes
Add CSS to make the HTML elements match their descriptions. Do not edit this HTML file. ALL of your work will be done in the CSS window to the left.
<h3 id='id1'>Red text header with a blue border!</h1>
<p class="class1">This paragraph should have a black background and yellow text</p>
<span class="class1">Black background and white text.</span>
<span>Blue background and white text.</span>
<h3>Red text header with red border!</h3>
<p>Green text with white background color</p>
<p id="id2">Green text, white background color, dashed purple border</p>
Lesson 2: HTML and CSS Fundamentals (2/3)
A [Pen](https://codepen.io/lambdaschool/pen/ELXPpY) by [Lambda School](https://codepen.io/lambdaschool) on [CodePen](https://codepen.io).